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Feedback ''secret changes''

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Gold Member
Sep 14, 2017
Please stop making ''secret changes'' and not letting us know about them in patch notes.

2 examples:
- Lowering PUK drop rate from 6% to 1.5%
- Removing resist critical rate (base stat) from Guardian Epaulets

Sooner or later players find out about the changes. I believe I speak for more players when I say that if you try to hide changes from us, once we find them it makes us feel like we should not trust you.
For removal of Resist in Guardian capes,
Since its not included in Patch notes,
There still a chance its not intentionally applied,
The Issue has already been brought to our Admin.
The PUK drop rate changes makes alot changes especially for new players. New Players are struggling to earn some alz, because we all know before that PUK is the friend of all new players, and that changes from 6% to 1.5% is ridiculous.
*ROOTS of FB that instantly cooldown when they use odd circles on MWAR.
*EOF and EOS parameters decreased.
*Flag only gives 10% instead of 20%
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The PUK drop rate changes makes alot changes especially for new players. New Players are struggling to earn some alz, because we all know before that PUK is the friend of all new players, and that changes from 6% to 1.5% is ridiculous.
*ROOTS of FB that instantly cooldown when they use odd circles on MWAR.
*EOF and EOS parameters decreased.
*Flag only gives 10% instead of 20%
Eos eof werent decreased,
As a fact, since removal of zwei to equil it was increased and adjusted
The attack and magic attack of demonite eof and eos before was 221 and skill amps are 13.
But now it only gives 180 and 11%
Eos eof werent decreased,
As a fact, since removal of zwei to equil it was increased and adjusted

That's a good example of what bothers me (not the change, but the lack of info about the change).

When it was changed there was no post with "before update values" and "after update values". When doing it like that in the long term, some changes are badly documented (by only saying adjusted values for 15 items) and other changes are forgotten to document at all.

In this example it is not written anywhere what was changed / adjusted. Now our only options are to either believe your words (without you being able to give us link to patch notes and direct us towards the change) or have our doubts and that brings lots of frustration

On top of that we also waste your time by contacting staff asking why item is different, when there is no documented change for it.

Right now its a loss / loss situation for all of us ;)
*Chaos Core are also removed on Leth Tyrant Chaos Arena drop list
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