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Fixed Suggestion for Basic,Rare,Unique Element drop increase IDEA

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Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Hello everyone i was think today about drop Elements for Chaos Items,i was check the forum what people think about that new system.But how to make easier drop of it and dont kill the market at the server when drop will be incrase.
Thats simply just give one more bonus for every 15 redeem maked at account,and that bonus was will be look like Blessing Bead.

"Blessing Bead-Reedem"
And that will added automaticly chance to geth "Elements" for each 15 reedems maked at 1 character on account.
The % of chance can look like this one:
Unique Element-3% chance to drop at every 30 redeems.So at last reedem we will geth 30 % of drop it.
Rare Element-4% chance to drop at every 15 redeems. 60 % at 300 reedem of character.
Normal Element-4% chance to drop at every 15 redeems. 60 % at 300 reedem of character.

That is only suggestion feel free to change % or anything at this Idea

Thank you for your suggestion but we have other plans regarding the elements.
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