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I got the message in my last post so I will be direct and say what I think is needed to be done. But please dont close the thread after you've seen it, people need to give their oppinion too.
1. Most important in this list Lightning Element
Make Lightning Element tradable OR make the Elements dropable not only to bosses or with vcoins but also in dungeons for example. Fire already dropable. Earth in redeems if I'm not mistaken but since redeems are useless and not worth doing I would suggest adding Earth as a drop in last chest aft2. Wind I think is good to have on Vcoin shop. Water for instance would be an ideea to drop in AC but I would say that every chest have a chance to drop it, would not be a smart ideea to make it a last boss crate drop, would take a loot of resources to get to that boss and again not worth.
If you are interested in drop rates: I think 1 piece having a chance of lets say 10% or maybe more per chest would be decent.
Or final suggestion about LE, I don't know how quests work and how much will take to implement, but aft2 would be another good daily quest for elements like b3f.
Reason: It is not acceptable that an items that is requierd to craft end game items not to be tradable. In other word you are encouraging pay2win content by telling us "donate to us 40eur for an item or farm for it 2 or more months".
2. Redeem.
Now as I've seen on this forum some suggestions about redeem system why not say and ideea that I have in mind about this system aswell.
I am thinking about a redeem system that like the one we have rewards you with ecoins. Same as the current one with categories if I can call them like that from 1-99, 100-199 etc. The alz amount requierd not to increase, only the redeem coins needed and as a reward ecoins and if you want to add other stuff like is now is your choice.
For example:
1st redeem. Cost= 20m alz and 150 RC. (same rewards as now having the same rates of ecoins)
And once you hit 100 redeems. Alz will remain the same but RC will increase with 150 every 100 redeems made: redeems no 101= 20m alz 300 RC etc.
A simple math with the most unluckies person will be a cost of 2b(rounded) pure alz + lets say 5m each stack of redeems(cheapest) with 117 stacks needed to get 99 redeems 600m(rounded) the guy will get 5 ecoins/redeem so 495 ecoins with an exchange rate of 6m/coins again he will get around 3b worth of ecoins. Yes first 100 will worth even if you are unluckiest person getting only 5 ecoins/redeem but as you increase your redeem will not worth that much BUT still will worth having a redeem system, not like now. Personally I don't even have 1 redeem because is not worth.
3. Dungeons.
For dungeons I think the way the drop rate is at the moment is great. Luck is a decent factor, if you farm a little you get what you want. Only hard dg here is AC to solo, aft2 being second with a few money invested in it. If you add the elements as I mentioned above to the chest would be more interesting to farm the dungeons, but again, nothing to say about them.
4. Rates in general.
AXP - I think is decent, I only farmed for a single rune the axp. I bought them from players, so this is anoter good way to keep the marketplace active. No suggestion here.
EXP - This as I mentioned in another post I think it is a problem for newplayers that doesnt know how things works. I would suggest an icrease of 50% min for this rate. I had no problem leveling 2 characters to 200. Yes is anoying 100-100 and untill 155. After that if they know about HvH they can make both level and money.
Alz rate is perfect as it is.
Drop rate same, perfect as it is.
No changes needed to others, only to exp so people can get to the fun part faster.
5. Webshop.
SInce you implemented the 75m, 100m potions as a ca6 drop I think is possible so you can make bigger exp potions in shop that can be bought with ecoins and that will have no level restriction.
As an example: buy a potion from ecoin shop with called "100-110 EXP potions" that will give you the exact amount to make from 100-110 and so on. How big you want them to be. In my opinion this will increase the amount of people that donate. Because who won't use 3-5 eur from their card to make their life a little easier and will make people stop complaining about level.
About amount to purchase I really have no ideea, but was something I had in mind.
Everything else there is fine as it is.
6. Titles.
Now about titles. I understand you have a limited amount of titles and I do not support titles for killing bosses.
I also like the ideea of the GM title, with another upgrade at 20 kills. But I think that should be the end. 20 kills last title.
I would have only one suggestion of a title and that would be "Master of all Dungeons" or idk what name should have. That will have (in my mind) 3 stat increases ( the amount of increase I will let to your mind to think of, not to be too op or to low) : alz drop rate, alz bomb chance, and if possible drop rate on maps/dungeons.
What should you do to get that title.
1st would be - 15 runs b3f + 15 runs aft2 + 1 ac run
2nd - 30 b3f + 30 aft2 + 5 ac
3rd and the last bonus increase to be at 100 b3f + 100 aft2 + 20 or so ac runs.
I dont know if this is useless title or not but some new content and reasons to run dungeons.
This would be the end of what I had to say. I am sure a lot of people can think of better suggestions but those are mine.
Hope they are not too "dumb" to consider reading them.
Have a nice day!
1. Most important in this list Lightning Element
Make Lightning Element tradable OR make the Elements dropable not only to bosses or with vcoins but also in dungeons for example. Fire already dropable. Earth in redeems if I'm not mistaken but since redeems are useless and not worth doing I would suggest adding Earth as a drop in last chest aft2. Wind I think is good to have on Vcoin shop. Water for instance would be an ideea to drop in AC but I would say that every chest have a chance to drop it, would not be a smart ideea to make it a last boss crate drop, would take a loot of resources to get to that boss and again not worth.
If you are interested in drop rates: I think 1 piece having a chance of lets say 10% or maybe more per chest would be decent.
Or final suggestion about LE, I don't know how quests work and how much will take to implement, but aft2 would be another good daily quest for elements like b3f.
Reason: It is not acceptable that an items that is requierd to craft end game items not to be tradable. In other word you are encouraging pay2win content by telling us "donate to us 40eur for an item or farm for it 2 or more months".
2. Redeem.
Now as I've seen on this forum some suggestions about redeem system why not say and ideea that I have in mind about this system aswell.
I am thinking about a redeem system that like the one we have rewards you with ecoins. Same as the current one with categories if I can call them like that from 1-99, 100-199 etc. The alz amount requierd not to increase, only the redeem coins needed and as a reward ecoins and if you want to add other stuff like is now is your choice.
For example:
1st redeem. Cost= 20m alz and 150 RC. (same rewards as now having the same rates of ecoins)
And once you hit 100 redeems. Alz will remain the same but RC will increase with 150 every 100 redeems made: redeems no 101= 20m alz 300 RC etc.
A simple math with the most unluckies person will be a cost of 2b(rounded) pure alz + lets say 5m each stack of redeems(cheapest) with 117 stacks needed to get 99 redeems 600m(rounded) the guy will get 5 ecoins/redeem so 495 ecoins with an exchange rate of 6m/coins again he will get around 3b worth of ecoins. Yes first 100 will worth even if you are unluckiest person getting only 5 ecoins/redeem but as you increase your redeem will not worth that much BUT still will worth having a redeem system, not like now. Personally I don't even have 1 redeem because is not worth.
3. Dungeons.
For dungeons I think the way the drop rate is at the moment is great. Luck is a decent factor, if you farm a little you get what you want. Only hard dg here is AC to solo, aft2 being second with a few money invested in it. If you add the elements as I mentioned above to the chest would be more interesting to farm the dungeons, but again, nothing to say about them.
4. Rates in general.
AXP - I think is decent, I only farmed for a single rune the axp. I bought them from players, so this is anoter good way to keep the marketplace active. No suggestion here.
EXP - This as I mentioned in another post I think it is a problem for newplayers that doesnt know how things works. I would suggest an icrease of 50% min for this rate. I had no problem leveling 2 characters to 200. Yes is anoying 100-100 and untill 155. After that if they know about HvH they can make both level and money.
Alz rate is perfect as it is.
Drop rate same, perfect as it is.
No changes needed to others, only to exp so people can get to the fun part faster.
5. Webshop.
SInce you implemented the 75m, 100m potions as a ca6 drop I think is possible so you can make bigger exp potions in shop that can be bought with ecoins and that will have no level restriction.
As an example: buy a potion from ecoin shop with called "100-110 EXP potions" that will give you the exact amount to make from 100-110 and so on. How big you want them to be. In my opinion this will increase the amount of people that donate. Because who won't use 3-5 eur from their card to make their life a little easier and will make people stop complaining about level.
About amount to purchase I really have no ideea, but was something I had in mind.
Everything else there is fine as it is.
6. Titles.
Now about titles. I understand you have a limited amount of titles and I do not support titles for killing bosses.
I also like the ideea of the GM title, with another upgrade at 20 kills. But I think that should be the end. 20 kills last title.
I would have only one suggestion of a title and that would be "Master of all Dungeons" or idk what name should have. That will have (in my mind) 3 stat increases ( the amount of increase I will let to your mind to think of, not to be too op or to low) : alz drop rate, alz bomb chance, and if possible drop rate on maps/dungeons.
What should you do to get that title.
1st would be - 15 runs b3f + 15 runs aft2 + 1 ac run
2nd - 30 b3f + 30 aft2 + 5 ac
3rd and the last bonus increase to be at 100 b3f + 100 aft2 + 20 or so ac runs.
I dont know if this is useless title or not but some new content and reasons to run dungeons.
This would be the end of what I had to say. I am sure a lot of people can think of better suggestions but those are mine.
Hope they are not too "dumb" to consider reading them.
Have a nice day!