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I have a WA, and everytime I make PVP i need to replace my skills with PVP skills(DPS), after PVP i need to bring back my PVE skills and this scenario here is quite annoying, you are about to click each skills upto 20levels up and down. Im quite sure other class have same issues.

So why not add skill slots so that we can buy all skills we need whether PVE or PVP, less hassle.
I do not know if someone posted this topic before, and I got a feeling this would be rejected but I will post this anyway. HOPING :tmi:
I get your point mate. But in my opinion, this won't be implemented I think because the skill system are already built-in on the game itself. In the end, we just have to keep adjusting and learn the best/most usable skill we think is best for our characters.
Agree same problem on my wi would need more slots to use different bm2 set ups but im quite limited with the slots (and points as well) ...
And no there's no problem at all about increasing the slots (technically speaking) if it's kept like it is now it's just for that silly logic "you have to chose your skills wisely to build you char accurately and bla bla bla bla" which is utter crap since none of that is involved lol some chars to be played decently simply need a bigger supply of skills as simple as that.
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