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The Evil
Wow , you just delete my second thread, yeah again, without a reply? Such a great customer service. So this is your respond to people that donate and help ur server up? I ask nicely, you just delete costume without thinking at person who bought it and doesn't want to give a compensation? And in fact you doesn't even wanna care? Wow, big claps, a very very very very good customer service, money come first always money come first.
Hello, since you are so revolted about this, knowing how things go when we replace a costume that was almost never seen, I think is fair to give you what the players got when we added the last time new costumes; I sent you 7 Soul Elements the equivalent of 700 ecoins.
Have a nice day!
I am sure you saw me in game in the past days, since you are in such a hurry did it ever cross your mind to contact me directly through mail or pm?
No one (ever) has been left without a compensation when a item was removed.
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