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The reason why OGN Redemption Cabal Online is at 8th place on server ranking


First hello to all.
I am back after 2 years and so passed, because of problems with PC and other things.
So now i see here have new gear ( Demonite- i mean new end set gear).
I see new system for Honor: no honor poitons anymore, so harder to get high Honor Rank- this is good, but what do you think about players who safe so much HP before and now is max Honor Rank, and the new players who need to farm a lot, and maybe will cant do high rank never.
Before 2 years Pall gear was easily to find= DQ was with elements, so for 1 week you can do 1 part for sure.
Now in TG 2k+ score for 500wexp, okay but new players cant do nothing in TG. Yes, they need to farm gear, but how??? Like they need farm gear, honor, exp , etc.
The server is dying for sure, i see TG 1-1 or 2-2 maximum.
Before we were 10-10 or more.
Please try to think about something to alive this server, i like this game, i like this server, i like the moderators and etc. I was GM before, but about this problem i must to quit about allthings.
I want to help to new players, but how? They got crappy gear, a lot of farm for nothing, they never will have gaer like old players.
So old players quit, some of them staying here= really so OP, but new players cant sit in server because of hard farming last gear/ honor and etc.
There will be new ways to get honnor, like crafting the Potions of Honor. Work on these issues is in progress.
Demonite items are in drops in FT3, but for some reasons (dont know why) most players like to see perfect craft like 10% 10% 10%, they dont care about the item grade and that is why most of the players who loot for example 8% 8% 8% amp items or higher (demonite) destroy them for cores ... those items dont get into marketplace for use ...
Honor requirement for armors/weapons was removed.
New ways of gaining honor is in progress.
Demonite items have a fair chance of good drop, stop destroying them and sell them to new players
Hello there, I also love this game before when it comes on crafting a gear and weapon. It doesn't need a LE to craft as far as you have all the required recipe, that you can get on farming. Now it required LE to all type of crafted gear and weapon. Can you imagine, consuming your LE (which is so hard to accumulate) to level up your crafting level until the end gear, why not requiring it on the last end gear (Equi-demonite) and the rest no required LE to craft.
You cant blame player who is a bit selfish not selling the old gear yet they destroy it and not sell it you guys need to level the crafting make it hard or else no other new player will benefits other counter part
yeah i agree the crafting before..yes we come a different changes and its ok..but we would like to request all staff of ogn to take out requirements of LE even on crafting Zwei and Eins frame and put only LE when crafting those Equi and Demon set...atleast newbie can start a good thing by crafting thier on set as a preparation to high level gear and maybe thats the way they will not get bord on the game easily cuz they have aim or target to get or to craft they will be busy farming for reciepies..

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