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Fixed the unfair advantage of chaos

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since the dmg output from such weapons is incredible for begginners. i wonder what is the AOD or INTUITION buffs for FS and BL. AOD i can undersand it has have limited amount of defense incrase but when you look at INTUITION effect 90% evade , and u got 1 shoted by HATERS on TG. ( i call haters since some ppl does understand they are dealin with lowbies. and instead of leavin them alone. they keep bullyin them with such hate after each respawn ) .
so how you expect people to enjoy an unbalanced game/war. of course they would immediatly quit server to fiind another one.
so i propose to make the BL buff like the last update of cabal europe. means efficient total evade.
Play/Farm/Get Strong... like we all did and you will not be raped in TG anymore... that is a part of cabal either deal with it or no sv will be good for you.
since the dmg output from such weapons is incredible for begginners. i wonder what is the AOD or INTUITION buffs for FS and BL. AOD i can undersand it has have limited amount of defense incrase but when you look at INTUITION effect 90% evade , and u got 1 shoted by HATERS on TG. ( i call haters since some ppl does understand they are dealin with lowbies. and instead of leavin them alone. they keep bullyin them with such hate after each respawn ) .
so how you expect people to enjoy an unbalanced game/war. of course they would immediatly quit server to fiind another one.
so i propose to make the BL buff like the last update of cabal europe. means efficient total evade.

just like IamCrazy posted "Play/Farm/Get Strong"
We experienced that too back in our early days in this server :D
Hello everyone...

Thank you hanna for providing your suggestion regarding with this matter...

Well, I am a tg player as well, started with low grade weapons... But i only suggests to u that either keep farming and get those awesome gears or use alternative solutions (either redeeming or donating)

For those buffs you mentioned i think it has a low chance to approve by the admin since giving a complete evade for a bl will going to be too unfair in the future (if you own a full chaos set and use to other classes)

Lastly, if you are 100% sure there are bullies... Please please please take a screenshots of those and make a report... In that way we will take a disciplinary actions for them ;)
There is no bulling in TG simple bcuz TG is a warr map if hanna doesn't accept this fact is his/her bussines i personaly didn't even atended TG until i had half of chaos gear completed so my advice is to keep farming and then atend TG
so how you expect people to enjoy an unbalanced game/war. of course they would immediatly quit server to fiind another one.
so i propose to make the BL buff like the last update of cabal europe. means efficient total evade.
- This server is not official or another ones. We have Chaos gear and weapon, Lost Relic weapon, Resist bike, Chaos epaulet and belt ..etc.. to make our character stronger--> keep farming and get those awesome gears or use alternative solutions (either redeeming or donating)
- Max Flee rate in EP8 is 95% ( For PVE, wow !!! You know what i wanna say ....:p:cool::cool: ) but in PvP/PK, we can break it easily:
+ Use combo
+ High crit rate/max crit rate ---> crit dmg always break evasion
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