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Please use the format below and make sure you include the required information.

Required Information:
  • Date - 8/18/18
  • Description - i buy/crafted an costume that has an slotted i should not report this but its unfair to other this item can add some stats on character you can ware it also as a apaulet.
  • i want my costume become normal
  • Screenshot/Video-

Format (Complete the form below):
  • Character - fifty shades
  • Date -8/19/18
  • Description -costume/epaulet
  • Screenshot/Video -cc

Failing to follow the format will result in your report being instantly ignored and deleted!
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its an old item just sell it to NPC before its too late
No its not obviously..
those items came from items thats not existing any more like Enochian/Soul reaver weapons.
Dispose it so that in the future you wont have any problems
If you could give me some detials
What is the ign of the seller of that item

Well try our best to refund the alz that you spent
Print screen + paste would do.

I just wanna know where did you bought those
From what char?
And please dont play games with me i know when will the item becomes bugged..
I need you to honestly answer my questions
Upload screenshots showing you buying those items. On screenshot must be seen player who you bought from + how much alz you spent.
I'm closing your thread due to no response. You can submit another request by opening new thread. Make sure to include all information and proofs.
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