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Top Voters of January 2015

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
The top 3 Groups of voters of January 2015 will be emailed ingame 3 donation vouchers:
Nr1. - 15% discount at any purchase he will do
Nr2. - 10% discount at any purchase he will do
Nr3. - 5% discount at any purchase he will do

The Voucher Codes will be sent on 31.JAN.2014 at 22:00 (+/- 30 minutes) Server Time

What are the group voters?
If first voter and second one have the same number of votes they will bee group 1, then if voter 3,4,5 have the same votes they will be group 2 and so on.

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If we are more players for the same place?
I have 44 votes and another 3 players have the same number of votes?
It has nothing to do with the timezone.Its simply who was faster at voting.
What i mean is that if we are more with the same number of votes, we deserve to be rewarded as much as the first voter. [ i understood that this is not possible]
And probably he vote faster because of his time zone or vice versa.
Maybe can be 5 winners and the 4 and 5 th place receives the 5% voucher.
If we are more players for the same place?
I have 44 votes and another 3 players have the same number of votes?
That you have 44 votes means you missed 1 vote earlier, your own fault, and look at me, im from Europe as Pinoy people are faster at voting as me cuz they are 7 hours ahead of me, I'm having to vote in midnights sometimes...... >_>
That you have 44 votes means you missed 1 vote earlier, your own fault, and look at me, im from Europe as Pinoy people are faster at voting as me cuz they are 7 hours ahead of me, I'm having to vote in midnights sometimes...... >_>
That was an example, not the real amount, actually i have 45.
I think fair enough would be if are more with the same number of votes for 1 place, all to be rewarded, the first voter receive the respective voucher and the rest of voters for the same place receive the 5% voucher.
Make it a consolation prize, not an 1st place.
They would need to time travel to even get a small advantage..

€dit (just to clearify this):
The timezone people live in, does NOT matter in any case,
as the deadline is set to 1 specific time in 1 timezone.
A player from Honululu has the time 09:21 | (29th of Jan.) (right now)
While another player, but from Suva has the time 09:21 | (30th of Jan.) (right now)
It's 1 day of difference but it does not give any advantage,
the reason is that no matter what time it is right there,
it's all about the timezone given in the Event Informations / default Server Time.

Let's say it's the same timezone as mine, deadline is 9pm (in 39 minutes from now on)
it would be 10 am in Honululu and 10 am (but even 24h later) in Suva.

How to figure out what time it will be in your place?
Well, there are many websites which show every timezone's current time
so you can compare any time with yours to figure out the excact difference so you will know
what time it will be in your place no matter which timezone it is.
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So it will be in the end the first 3 groups of voter.
First post updated.
Sir Cykros,
Im BulwarkInside I didnot recieved yet my Voucher..
IGN: Bulwark (FS) main
Sir Cykros,
Im BulwarkInside I didnot recieved yet my Voucher..
IGN: Bulwark (FS) main
Just wait for it, they'll send it when they are waking up again ;)
So they're probably sleeping right now.
All the coupons code were sent via in-game email to the wining characters.
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