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Fixed Unbinding bikes

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Professional Enchanter
well guys you put binding/unbinding system on bikes too and it requires 9999999 stones enable to unbind it, The problem is how can you FILL you INVENTORY with stones with an amount of 9999999, you cant..,no.. its impossible cause the total stones you can store in your inventory is just 40640.. even you make it 1 X 999 it no sense cause 999 X 64 X 4 = 255744..!!!

fix it please -_-
Its say only armor and weapon can unbanned. But its good, if the bike also can be banned/unbanned
This is not a feedback i guess but this is a bug.

Please wait for the higher staff to review this.

Still you cant unbind it :P
They put it like 9999999 because it will tell you it is not unbind-able. The numbers tell you the idea. The logic tells you the answer. :)
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