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Update 05-July-2023


Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
📢 Announcement: Game Update!

🔒 Improved all the dungeons chests and boxes drop number. You can see all the details now in the special wiki section. Check it out! [Cabal World Wiki Page: 🌐]

🔧 Temporary disabled the Quest Item drop limiter in dungeons until the problem of not dropping the items at all will be fixed. Attention, when Happy Hour drop is active, be careful on how many quest items you loot. Avoid filling your quest inventory, which may prevent you from finishing the dungeon session.

🐛 Known bugs that we are currently working on to release a fix as soon as possible:

1️⃣ PvP damage is showing a certain damage value, but the server calculates a higher one, resulting in characters in PvP dying faster than they should. We have managed to replicate this issue, so we don't need any more feedback on it. Thank you for your understanding.

2️⃣ Mob HP bar and Character SP bar visual bug when hitting a mob with a normal attack in BM3. We haven't managed to replicate this bug so far, but we will continue to investigate. If anyone discovers exactly how to replicate the bug, please make a video and upload it as a reply.

🙏 We appreciate your patience and support during these challenging days. Remember, "good things are accomplished hard." Thank you all for bearing with us! 🎉

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