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Update 2 of 2020 - Glacies Inferna improvement and GM Kill Rewards

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
In order to improve the quality of life in Glacies Inferna dungeon we have done the following changes to the bosses

and we have made the following changes to the drops

Source Of The Power Of Nazabrum
Removed the Archridium items
Added Palladium weapons and body parts
Source of the Power of Barlog
Added Palladium weapons
Lowered the rates of cosumables and made the rates of weapons and body parts higher
Source of the Power of Minisha
Added Demonite weapons
Removed Bike Upgrade Kit (High), Bike Upgrade Kit (High), Bike Force Kit (High)
Increased the Weapon Option Scroll (Ultimate) drop rate
Source of the Power of Diablos
Added Demonite weapons
Removed Bike Upgrade Kit (High), Bike Upgrade Kit (High), Bike Force Kit (High)
Increased the Weapon Option Scroll (Ultimate) drop rate
Added Demonite Epaulets to drop (all 4 types)
Box in Veil
Removed Chaos Core, Divine Stone Fragment, Bike Upgrade Kit (High), Bike Upgrade Kit (High), Bike Force Kit (High)
Added Palladium Epaulet of Laws
Added Demonite Epaulet of Laws
Added chance to drop Medal of Honor
Added Demonite Body Parts
The GM Kill rewards that players can chose from Rewards module on the website were updated.
We will also update the reward periodically.

2020-01-16 21_42_58-Window.png

Please give us feedback about how the dungeon is now, thank you!
so far so good, dungeon is doable with 3 people, drop rate seems to(without bb drop rate)yield an average of 10 divine stone fragments per full run(only done 5 or so so far so not enough to really gauge due to lack of parties when people are offline as well as I just woke up x.x), minimum ive seen drop so far is 6 frags maximum was 15. so far demonite does drop as expected and is still rare ish, have yet to seep eppy but doubt I will anytime soon if the rarity is anything like ft3s.
haven't tried solo/duo yet so I cant really give a good measure on the nerf of bosses but considering that pushing hard we can 3 man up to diablos and kill him with the right teams id say that the nerf was at least somewhat effective
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Nice changes, I've done a few already. Rewards are nice and I feel much more comfortable doing it. Only thing I'd change is damage of monsters on latest waves, I think it was 9th but please correct me guys. It's big enough that even veras don't help and we skip it even on best geared party. I'm not sure if we can even kill the wave in 90 sec, so I won't talk about it's HP and def. But apart from that dungeon is great. Thanks for your work :)
Mikele about the last wave (10th) i tested to dmg those mobs and alone i dealt around 30% during the whole wave so in 4/5 party we are able to kill them(not talking about the bosses) , POV always carry if you press it fast enough :p
About the change, its much more enjoyable to go there as party now and loot are more rewarding good job :D
wave 10 is big n scary :cry: but we did almost finish it, as mugi stated. had I not died every 5 secs due to moreso irl disractions than to inability t ostay alive because of difficulty.
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