introduce instant buffs (element enchant, intuition, quick step, etc) with a instant cast timer (aka 0 sec) and can be casted during combo in addition to regular combo or skills (hence the word "instant")
update element enchant visual, it should be similar to BL intuition buff, not a debuff animation.
fix lvl4 inexhaustible mp pot problem where it doesn't auto regen mana when u deplete your mana pool
increase stat points for every character, since you guys introduced skills that were introduced in main server after the combination of skill points, there is a lack of skill points available to use the skills at their max potential. furthermore, you guys should update the skills to min cool down at lvl 20 on par with offical server, therefore hp down effects and other additional effects of skills would be at their proper potential
update element enchant visual, it should be similar to BL intuition buff, not a debuff animation.
fix lvl4 inexhaustible mp pot problem where it doesn't auto regen mana when u deplete your mana pool
increase stat points for every character, since you guys introduced skills that were introduced in main server after the combination of skill points, there is a lack of skill points available to use the skills at their max potential. furthermore, you guys should update the skills to min cool down at lvl 20 on par with offical server, therefore hp down effects and other additional effects of skills would be at their proper potential