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can anyone tell me whats the use of upgrading craftsman skill using ecoin?? is it worth using your 100 ecoin for that upgrade?
Craftman's attempts are used to avoid your items to destroy upon binding or unbinding. When you bind/unbind something, you should have at least 1 craftman's attempt and always use Arcane bind/unbind stones (more success rate than minesta bind/unbind stones)
Craftman's attempts are used to avoid your items to destroy upon binding or unbinding. When you bind/unbind something, you should have at least 1 craftman's attempt and always use Arcane bind/unbind stones (more success rate than minesta bind/unbind stones)
so every time i want to unbind something i should upgrade it or 1x only and effect is forever??
When you bind/unbind something it will still deduct your craftman's attempt to -1 even though its successful.

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