There is a big confusion at myself about exchanging of w.exp to honor points, normally on ''officials'' you exchange way more honor points per 100 w.exp than you do on this server, does that mean i have to farm way more w.exp?
Honor Exchange (Class 14):
Redemption: 245,760 for 100 W.exp.
Officials: 422,453 for 100 W.exp
Anybody can explain me to this why i am only obtaining 245,760 honor points instead of 422,453 honor points per 100 W.exp?
Below some information about exchanges:
Honor Exchange (Class 14):
Redemption: 245,760 for 100 W.exp.
Officials: 422,453 for 100 W.exp
Anybody can explain me to this why i am only obtaining 245,760 honor points instead of 422,453 honor points per 100 W.exp?
Below some information about exchanges: