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As part of the community, I also like to suggest changes that I believe will improve the server.

1. Make Formula Cards for Crafting Equilibrium and Palladium gears (just like before). With the same requirements. (maybe exchanging small amount of alz for the formula card).

The latest update changed the Lightning Elements to be account bound (non-tradeable). This would definitely bring changes in-game. For players, like me, who isn't really into crafting, it would be really hard for us to craft Equilibrium gears (or Lower Gears).

2. Removal of Formula Cards from Soyoung(Core Alchemist) from Fort Ruina.

They are pretty useless now.

3. No more Character-binding, but Account-Bound Belts, Amulets, Earrings from Ecoin shop and Wexp shop (I know it's on the works, but its still worth to mention)

Give the players the freedom to explore and play with different classes. For non-donators, this feature is good feat so it would be unnecessary to donate just to make the item/s usable for another character on the same account.

4. Re-working Redeem Requirements

I think that you need to remove the Honor Point Requirement for redeeming, since it requires a great amount of honor points. The current requirement to redeem needs alz, redeem coints, loot box key, and honor point. If we do a cost-benefit analysis with today's redeem system, the cost is much more higher than the benefit we could possibly get.

5. Honor Potions

Hopefully the players would have an easier access to increase honor points. Maybe increase the drop amount of Honor Potions or Increase the Content of the honor points inside the potion.

6. Easy SP (Hit a mob = full SP)

This is a simple suggestion but I really think it is very convenient for everyone. (Not allowed on TG ofc)

Zeratul Cykros Slag ExCaliose
1st point theres now 4 ways to get Equilibrium perfect crafted items
1. Crafting
2. WEXP shop
3. Port Lux NPC
I guess thats alot of ways now

There will be upcoming changes in it so dont worry :)

As you can see our goal is that to make players work hard for their items
As Zeratul Said before
Ita not like a few professional attempt to unbind their access will kill them.

Honor points will be useless when you already got the Honor title at rank 20
Its not like if your honor points will be lessen the title would disappear
We already reduced the Honor requirement for redeeming.

I think theres no issue here.. we already make the drops to x2 which will make the farming easier

Chaos arena and chaos infinity offers more Honor points in each potion

Its either players will farm it in maps or in dungeons

Theres a reason that we make it like that
To make SP potions in PVE worth it
And for the SP Gear in War
It is possible to have new DG like Awaken Hazardous Valley (rare Drop) Orphidia Ammulet and maybe new accessories like charm.
Main reason is there is no DG to make us busy and some other player online for checking then go offline.
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