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What will bring 2020 for Redemption

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
So we are almost done with 2019 and I would say it was an year with good and bad, the important thing is that we stood together and overcome all the difficulties we had.

I want to inform you guys what is planned ahead after this holidays for our beloved server.

  • Redeem system reintroduction (January)
  • New dungeon: Ancient Tomb (January-February)
  • Ingame Battle Pass system (No ETA for now)
  • A final rebuild of the craft system (without un-perfect results as requested by players, scheduled for end of January)
  • A rebuild of the Basic Craft System (End of February)
  • A refresh boos raid system with better rewards and more entertaining monsters
  • New bikes, and pets
  • and more updates based on the feedback of our players
This being said I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year with all your dreams to come true !
Is this new crafting system going to do away with any gear currently in the game as previous updates have? just wanted to see before I go pouring more into demonite instead of something more productive.
* Nerf FT3 ( to carry weak guildmates for ring)

*Nerf Glacies and for the love of god improve the drop.

Obs: im not asking EZPZ NUUB Dgs, just more enjoyable for ALL.

* Add merit medals in wexp shop (to make WEXP more valuable) like 1 medal 2.5k wexp, 5 medals 7.5k, and 10 medals 25k wexp) not bad imho.

*Add scrolls highest (SSA, MSA, etc) in easier dg's ( for newbies ofc )

*Make DP cube's more accesible for example, highest cubes 15 or 20 DP, ultimate cubes 30 points more or less sounds good right? newbies cant farm Chaos Infinity for safe enchants and scrolls.
Tomorrow evening I am arriving back home, I am filled with positive energy, I am rested and READY TO DO SOME BIG UPDATES.
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