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Wheel of Fortune

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Emissary of Death
Staff member
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
  • New clan leader, King of Gamblers added to the website
  • New Wheel of Fortune system added to the website
    • Wheel of Fortune can be accessed by visiting the King of Gamblers
  • Each player can spin the Wheel of Fortune once a day for free
  • Each prize coming from the Wheel of Fortune is account bound
  • There is a chance to win extra spins on the Wheel of Fortune
  • It is possible to buy extra spins with cCash


  • The vote system was completely replaced and now is validated by the vote sites
  • Vote system now only has four vote sites but the rewards are set higher
    • We have contacted some of the vote sites to find a solution for players who play from netcafes or share the same IP address with others. We are still in the progress of this and more details will be revealed at a later time
  • Bind and Unbind Master Craftsman Attempt prices were lowered and can be bought now with different stacks
  • Bind and Unbind rates were set higher with 10% for normal craftsman and 15% for premium craftsman

  • Optimized client files to improve the client stability. This is a work in progress and we will continue to optimize more and more files to server a more stable client without crashes
  • Fixed the price of Siena formular
  • Fixed the Orb/Crystal costume shop in the Warp Center
  • Fixed Boss Raid spawning and now every boss should correctly spawn


King of Gamblers

Wheel of Fortune

Prize notification from the Wheel of Fortune

Prize sent ingame to cash inventory

Besides the new system information this post also contains the patch notes of the last few quick fixes and website changes that were not yet posted.
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