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  1. Optimus

    Saturday 19.12.2015 Events(Finished)

    Hello everyone! :D These will be my last events for this year, unfortunately, but no worries I will come back with fresh powers next year ;) I have some surprises prepared for you all so stay tuned ^_^ To start: 1) Kill GM Event - starting at 5 PM Server Time(Obviously after Saint's) ;) - 3...
  2. Optimus

    Surprise Events 13.12.2015(Finished)

    Hey everyone! :) Since it was Sunday and many people were on, I said why not make a surprise event ^_^ Started @ 5:30 PM server time Hide and Seek: 1 round won by ShadowSINcere*** Kill the GM: 3 rounds: 1st round won by Zeratul 2nd round won by SirHoOLiGaN 3rd round won by MaiTrang Hope to...
  3. D

    Special Treatments

    I will start it in this way, since you banned me for a invalid reason / invalid proof and disturbing moment since if been farming at this time I wont allow you to do this WarFreak Let me show you the PROOF of BANNING/ which is very invalid. "Harassment? You are doin an harassment" next...

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