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  1. S

    Acknowledged Reason StormyLegends Take A Break .

    Hello , please bring back the drop rate like before . Potion of Honour and Redeem Coins all at Arcane Trace , and dungeon entry at Nostalgia forest , also please remove craps drop (Sigmetal etc) at Nostalgia Forest . My friends and I kinda disappointed with these changes . Again this is private...
  2. S

    Fixed Spooky Halloween Costume - Orb

    Hello , I just bought the spooky halloween costume . Then , I found out that it does not work on Call Of Suffering (Orb) . Could you fix this please , thank you .
  3. R

    Not a bug Spooky Halloween Orb costume Wizard

    my weapon is zwei frame orb and i try to equip it in but its not working in wizard. but in other characters like FA and FS its working and then i changed my weapon in citrine orb and it works. but not in my zwei frame

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