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007 Characters in TG


Jan 13, 2016
Hi people of redemption community and staff!:)
Don't know where to post this so I decided to put it here in general discussions!
I just wanted to let GM's know that in the last tgs we(Cappella) are experimenting a problem with the so called ''spy'' chars, some newly created avatars that join TG in cap side just to sabotate the nation, and sometimes only because their main is a procyon char. Sabotate in which way? Well, as far as I saw they just stand in base, moving only when afk limit time is expiring, and building lot of force towers with points, and that is a huge handicap, cause to win we should control like the whole map. Don't know if u can do something, i just wanted to report this as it's alrdy hard to win nation war this side when we have 30% more players, if a spy joins not even 100% could help us, and this is rlly frustrating as as player u can't do much to solve this, if someone wants to damage his own nation none can stop him. Here some proofs(images) of what i'm suggesting, in the first i preferred not to leave the char who said that(yes, i got friend on procyon side that screenshotted this) in the second one instead we have a player is known for being a spy(if u need i can give the whole screenshot without cuts). Thanks for the time u'll dedicate to this ''issue''.


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Well we (procyon) experiencing the same since last 2 month it the legacy of ChikyXD the player who come to in no relog for chaos afk and do nothing.. We also believe it was junk char for cap spy because he using free starter low grade for 1 month without any improvement of set. So the question is who is his main? :)))
Assuming you're telling the truth, what I was concerned for it's not much the nation(cap or proc) but the nation war, as if everyone begins to infiltrate with spy characters we won't have fun anymore in tg...that said I hope there's something GM's can do, moreover if it's a problem of both nations!:wondering:
This is so true. These kinds of people are so irritating. The fun gets reduced when some douche bags try to sabotage a whole nation.

All my chars are procyon, but you saying that we sent some of these spy/spies are kinda irritating. Be it on the same guild as ours, doesn't mean it is our characters too. And you said it on your post alone that only your nation (Capella) is the one being sabotage by some "spy." I don't think so though. We share the same problems and concerns. Don't make it too one sided and make every post in your favor.
I apologize if my first message was too cappella-oriented, but playing for that side I wasn't aware that this was also a major problem for procyons..that's one stronger reason for trying to resolve this matter asap!!:banghead:
there's only one solution to solve that problem, ask the admin/owner to disable the force tower building via points.
lol... we can't do anything about that problem...to way complicated...just think about the pros and cons... we cannot control other players will do..
it works on other private servers, so it's not a problem to the developer or admin/owner.
however, it's up for the owner to decide.
Oh didn't know there was a similar thread alrdy, my bad pretty new here thanks for the link NoFX:D
Will be showing this to the staff team and see what they have to say :)
I apologize if my first message was too cappella-oriented, but playing for that side I wasn't aware that this was also a major problem for procyons..that's one stronger reason for trying to resolve this matter asap!!:banghead:

Yeah we really do have the same problems. We had it 3 months ago. Too many low-gears standing only at base. AFK and doesn't make any shit. You can really notice it is a dummy account because you can't see any pets + weapons are limitless and they say a word no matter how hard you try to open a conversation. And I actually know someone from capella who sends spy on proc. But not always.

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