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Fixed A few things

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This is more like feedback+suggestion together but can pick 1 prefix at time :)

So first of all the weekly rotation,finally you managed to get rid of it (seriously just useless things over and over again each week and most likely the same things lol) so these special offer packages are gonna change from time to time or they're fixed like that indefinitely ?

Always about the rotation lvl 4-7 bikes which were supposed to be on the weekly rotation (announced on 22/07 we're on 23/10 and they haven't been on the rotation not a single week ever) are gonna be available anywhere anytime soon or im waiting for nothing ? Don't take it as a complain btw just want to know if you abandoned those or they're still on your schedule (preferably soon given im waiting since july)

Now drops .. something is wrong with eod3 drops,i got a mana absorb ring from the legendary chest while it's supposed to be a drop from mobs only and Tempus more than one time gave me nothing and i mean nothing not even alz -_-" and don't make me talk about the powerless ring since i could open a whole thread just about that lol but ok im unlucky.Also why do all the jewelry/epaulets dropping from mobs have to be char bind on equip ? doesn't make sense

Hv now,guess i already read this somewhere but whatever,the relic chest from the last boss' 1st form drops most likely alz every time .. hella annoying,what about cores like all the other chests ?

Ac now,why do the hardest dg of the game drop pch but not pchh ? again doesn't make sense so i suggest to either add pchh as well or even better switch pch with pchh (kinda the same with extenders but i can deal with seh dropping since you can get sehh as well)
Some of those ''suggestions'' you've told us about are already noted into my list which i create everytime after a certain period.

The drops about B3F will be noted by myself and hopefully the Admins will be doing something about this as it feels like you're doing a dungeon for only a ring like that.

The relic chest of Hazardous Valley (Hard) will be noted aswell and i already knew of this bug before. :)

Abandoned City is indeed a dungeon which drops only ''Highest'' Equipment so probably that this will be adjusted aswell. ;)

Thank you for those Suggestions/Bug reports which are useful to use for us to fix, all noted.
Happy Gaming.
Sorry i must have overlooked your list Noc if i said stuff already known/reported take it as a simple reminder ;) waiting answers on the rest tho
Sorry i must have overlooked your list Noc if i said stuff already known/reported take it as a simple reminder ;) waiting answers on the rest tho
I didn't forward them yet some of those suggestions still need to fixed. :P
Replying here since the other thread is locked,that's the point Dehn the old rotation is gone and it doesn't look like there will be a package with bikes,kinda tricky to do since bikes are way too customizable (crafts,slots,type,quantity etc) to do a package with them and that's also why i want to know what you'll do (and when you'll do lol)
Replying here since the other thread is locked,that's the point Dehn the old rotation is gone and it doesn't look like there will be a package with bikes,kinda tricky to do since bikes are way too customizable (crafts,slots,type,quantity etc) to do a package with them and that's also why i want to know what you'll do (and when you'll do lol)
its good speculation to be honest, i really dont think they're gonna introduce the bikes as a package but i could be wrong, nontheless they will be customizing them well and to known standards i believe, there will be multiple packages. PVP and pve package with lets say 2 bikes with different options. this is ofcourse just a guess.
Grade 4-7 Bikes do drop from the Dragon Boss, no idea if this ever will be implemented into the packages :P, but the usual bikes ingame, that's not really a bad idea at all.
Drop table says otherwise,you can at most get a lvl 4 one from the dragon (and honestly i haven't seen a single one so far) anyway got it i'll just keep waiting (although the feeling is that i'd better simply get one from the shop :rolleyes:)
Nice timing was thinking about bumping this myself lol
~5 months and that chest is still bugged yea ..
ac still drops pch but not pchh ..
eod3 last chest/tempus drops are still bugged (dropping stuff they shouldn't drop at all)
but hey at least bikes are there now so you did something in 5 months =))
On the next update Abandoned city and Epaulet of the dead 3 drops will be adjusted.

Thank you for your patience.
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