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Not a bug After finishing mission war I have a chat channel window open every time I log in


Jan 9, 2021
After finishing mission war I have a chat channel window open every time I log in

It just says Channel name: "capella leader channel" Password : and a blank space

It's really a minor bug
it is not a bug
that channel is accessable every time when you become a party leader in mission war,
it a same as any other custom made channel inside game,
This simply means that you just need to leave that channel thats it.

PS:Before call something a bug please inform yours self(learn) more about game functions as it is this simple one chat channels.
it is not a bug
that channel is accessable every time when you become a party leader in mission war,
it a same as any other custom made channel inside game,
This simply means that you just need to leave that channel thats it.

PS:Before call something a bug please inform yours self(learn) more about game functions as it is this simple one chat channels.
The thing is that it used to display every time I log in or relog on any map, even if I have not attended mission war, anyway it seems to have fixed itself, however it can be quite annoying
just open option and exit channel (text one) simplier cant be

and in future as soon as war end and you transfer to loby , leave party and you will be fine.

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