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Any suggestions please? :D


I have a Limitless set and here are the details per equip:

Im an FS

helm: +15, 20%Crit Dmg 3 slots (no option yet)
suit: +15, 7% ASA, 3 slot (no option yet)
gloves: +8, 14% ASA (1 slot with option)
boots: +9, 15% ASA (1 slot with option)

weaps are good..
i have vamp ring+3 and a vamp earring +7
im planning to make my boots and gloves +15 then make them 3 slotted.
what options can you suggest for me to put into them so least i can survive higher CA's or even CA 6 if possible..
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I'd personally fill all with m amp(except for helm, you could try with some rate and amp if you didn't hit rate cap alrdy), it's not worth imo to lose all that damage for some vamp/flee..Vamp that u could get from a ring instead of wearing a cr if you haven't hp absorb rune yet! In most cases ca6 is not cleared solo cause player lacks of damage! If you're experiencing hard times surviving you can try a more 'defensive' build like the one suggested by ThunderCare :)
- Suit + boots + gloves full amp ( better if you got max craft 10% and 3 slot 24%)
- Fatal Helm ( 1 CD + 2 amp in slot )
- Wep: Chaos orb full CD or Fatal Wep
--------------u must calculate ur max crit rate then build ur crit rate in wep or helm------------------------
- Learn Absorbs HP rune ( HP steal ) or use bracelet or ring or pet ( just nid 1%), 2x vampire earring
- Use guard epaulet
- BM3, use BBBA syn
sorry, i forgot to add that im an FS.. but thanks for the advice from FA's.. im planning to make one once i have a decent lock set for my FS :D
- Suit + boots + gloves full amp ( better if you got max craft 10% and 3 slot 24%)
- Fatal Helm ( 1 CD + 2 amp in slot )
- Wep: Blade - Crystal chaos full CD or Fatal Wep
- Learn Absorbs HP rune ( HP steal ) or use bracelet or ring or pet ( just nid 1%), 2x vampire earring
- BM3, use BBAB syn ( if u use fight epaulet + att buff @_@)
but better use guard epaulet
FS can do CA5 its the easier than you think..
always be 3 slot
pure amp gears any epic level= armor, gauntlets, greaves
1 hp absorb ring, if without hp absorb rune
2 crit ring
1 ring of luck
fatal cdi helm any epic level - 2 amp 1 cdi
vamp earrings better be always +7 to +8 = a must have
prideus or fighter bracelets +8
Bike 2 or 3 slot just put 1 cdi, 1 amp or (2 amp, 1 mcr or 2 mcr 1 amp)
epaulets = eof or eog up to you but better eof since of new patch
there you go.. you can even go in CA6 with this
just always do bm3 with synergy (babb - fatal 1 - 3) -> (bbba - fatal1) ->(bbba - fatal1) -> repeat
well i got to farm a lot to get those, option scrolls and upgrade core prices cost a lot. lol Thanks a lot for the tip :D:clap::rofl:
FS can do CA5 its the easier than you think..
always be 3 slot
pure amp gears any epic level= armor, gauntlets, greaves
1 hp absorb ring, if without hp absorb rune
2 crit ring
1 ring of luck
fatal cdi helm any epic level - 2 amp 1 cdi
vamp earrings better be always +7 to +8 = a must have
prideus or fighter bracelets +8
Bike 2 or 3 slot just put 1 cdi, 1 amp or (2 amp, 1 mcr or 2 mcr 1 amp)
epaulets = eof or eog up to you but better eof since of new patch
there you go.. you can even go in CA6 with this
just always do bm3 with synergy (babb - fatal 1 - 3) -> (bbba - fatal1) ->(bbba - fatal1) -> repeat

just want to ask, what does "fatal 1 - 3" etc means in the series of synergies you suggested? i know babb is for ult. def and bbba is for def of nevareth.
just want to ask, what does "fatal 1 - 3" etc means in the series of synergies you suggested? i know babb is for ult. def and bbba is for def of nevareth.
he means fatal 1-3 is the special skills of bm3 after u complete a 4 consecutive combo of bm3..... Fatal 1 = Specialty skill lvl1 Fatal 2 = Specialty lvl2 Fatal 3 = Specialty lvl3

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