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Suggestion Armor class dmg buff


Professional Enchanter
May 11, 2017
Heyo, in my opinion Mortal Bane should have +/- same malus stats as Bloody Spirit & Bloodyrusk fs are supposed to be the tankiest but with this current stats on MB the buff become kinda useless :/

unknown (1).png
unknown (2).png
Additionally for FS, reflex shield is no longer working as calculated + 1500 add damage.

Add. Damage calculations on war is slightly different now and current skill does not give additional 1500 hit. For example if hitter deals 3k damage but with reflex shield, it should be 4.5k. current result is 3150(apprx. value).

You guys comparing directly like that not including that FS have art of defense.

I think instead of asking this kind buff you guys should ask for adjusting the def between martial, battle and armor class.
Not even requiring good math skills to see that x42% reduce def lesser than -70% :D
That screenshot shows values of the skill with effector equipped.
Also, the x42% means your defense is multiplied by 42% so it is maxing out at 42% of your full defense.
So, let's put here an example:
Your Defense: 5000
Maximum Defense: x42%

5000 * 42% = 5000 * 0.42 = 2100 will be your defense after using it.

So, to put it even simpler, with effector equipped it is -58% defense (on that screenshot), but default on official is still 70% which would mean Maximum Defense x30%.
I checked once more the defense values now, to make sure we did it correctly and this is what official has on the base skill:
<value    bforce_id="5"    bforce_value="-20,-300,0"    power=""    dur="0,18000"    type="1"    value_type="4"    check_readiness="0"    />

bforce_id="5" This one is the defense forceid
bforce_value="-20,-300,0" This is the combination of per level and base value of the skill, so -20 is the per level and -300 is the base value.
However, these values are also divided by 10 so it would mean that -2 per level and -30 base, so -2*20 will be -40 + -30 base, -70 at maximum level.
value_type="4" This one tells the game what kind of value it is, like a flat number or a percentage.

Hope this clears up some conspiracy :)
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why is mortal bane the only one at -70% then? in official all those three have -70% afaik so if you're trying to follow official it should all be -70% or if you're customizing it for the server mortal bane should have the same or almost the same -% as the others.
Today, we will have an update, bringing all sword and magic buffs to their official counterpart.
Details will be in the update post. ;)

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