Based on the post on the link above ^ the assassin costume is the one on the right of the police costume but when i saw in-game it's more like a bm3 skin compared to what i saw on the post.
Will the assassin costume be like that bm3 skin look-a-like forever or you're gonna fix it to look like the real assassin costume. No offense btw, cause i was planning on buying the assassin costume in the future. ^_^
Based on the post on the link above ^ the assassin costume is the one on the right of the police costume but when i saw in-game it's more like a bm3 skin compared to what i saw on the post.
Will the assassin costume be like that bm3 skin look-a-like forever or you're gonna fix it to look like the real assassin costume. No offense btw, cause i was planning on buying the assassin costume in the future. ^_^