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best pvp WA ever on TG

Damn whos that warrior? He regen so fast as hell!!hahaha,i wanna try that warrior 1on1 on pvp.
I think you are in the wrong section. Be sure to post it on report section because with that kind of HP regen it is definitely a hack.
This is Auto Heal of Drei set ( 365 auto heal x 3 craft option and in TG it will x6 :D) ...u will lost more amp for pvp but no one can kill you easily :giggle:
Im gotta finish my WA with Drei set soon for fun in TG >:)>:)>:)>:)
No worries in the next update this will most likely be removed / adjusted to a small amount.
WOW! It's been a while since I visit the game so am a bit lack of information about the server now ahehe.. Well it should be removed xD
WOW! It's been a while since I visit the game so am a bit lack of information about the server now ahehe.. Well it should be removed xD
This HP Heal item was there already since EGA, only not with the amount i think
This HP Heal item was there already since EGA, only not with the amount i think

Oh yeah! Now I remember.. It's the OP drei set with tons of HP heal.. Well they better remove it as fast as they can, and we already knew what happened before in EGA LOL!
This HP Heal item was there already since EGA, only not with the amount i think
if im not wrong it was with that amount, but the reason why that amount was there was because we had more hp on EGA than we have here, i might be wrong tho.
There is only one solution to that problem. Lets not make things more complicated. If a staff can detect that character's code he/she may inspect the equipments to check whether she/he have that "HP Regen" thing. :)

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