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Big Game Update

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Equilibrium Weapons Set
Added Equilibrium Weapons to the game. This will be the best weapon set in the game for a long period like Senillinea Weapons were until now.
They can be obtained from Professional Crafting, drops and Eite and Yerte boxes.
They can be destroyed if desired for materials and cores.
They can be sold in Auction House.
They cannot be used on the website Enchant System. So once you equip them they will become Character Bind forever.
Equipment requirement for the weapons is Level 185 and Honor Rank 19.​
BL.jpg FA.jpg FB.jpg FS.jpg WA1.jpg WA2.jpg WI.jpg
2018-01-16 01_16_46-Weapons.xlsx - Excel.png
Senillinea Weapons Set
Equipment level changed from 190 to 185
Added Honor Rank Equipment level. You need to be rank 18 to wear the weapons.
Senillinea Weapon Pieces Account Binding property removed. The item pieces can now be traded.

The Lost Relics Weapon Set
Added Honor Rank Equipment level. You need to be rank 17 to wear the weapons.

Drei Frame body parts and Lycanus Weapons Set
They can now be used on the website Enchant and Item Option Remove modules.

New level requirement of 170 instead of 180 for the following items
Bracelet of Fighter +7
Bracelet of Sage +7
Extortion Bracelet +7
Earring of Guard +6

Cube on Enchant changes
Cube of Enchant (Unique) - It will provide only Unique Cores.
Cube of Enchant (Highest) - It will provide only Highest Cores.
Cube of Enchant (High) - It will provide only High Cores.
Cube of Enchant (Medium) - It will provide only Medium Cores.

Equilibrium Professional Crafting and other changes
In order to improve the game market we decided to remove the Account Binding Item (Property) from Equilibrium Body Parts.
When an Equilibrium Body Part will be crafted it will be Character-Binding Item When Equipped.
However the Account Binding Item (Property) will remain on the Equilibrium Epaulet meaning that each player will have to craft his own epaulets or farm it.
This will allow the players to trade freshly crafted Equilibrium Body Parts as long as they don't wear them so they become Character Bound.
Don't forget that the Equilibrium Body Parts cannot be used in Website Enchant system.​
Craft Merchant Chloe changes
The shop was reorganized to find easier the stuff you need.
Added Gem of Liberation for sale with 10.000.000 Alz.​
NShop changes
The game eCoin Shop (NShop) was reorganized and some items were added while some were removed.
Chaos Core will be sold in stack of 10 for 10 eCoins
Added all types of Item Option Remover.
Added all types of Perfect Cores.
Change Kit items (Hair Type, Hair Color and Face), Rename Card and X-Gen card were removed.
Costume wrapper items were removed.​
Other NPC's changes
Items Removed from NPCs because they are not needed in our game play.
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 1 (WA)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 2 (WA)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 3 (WA)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 1 (BL)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 2 (BL)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 3 (BL)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 1 (WI)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 2 (WI)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 3 (WI)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 1 (FA)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 2 (FA)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 3 (FA)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 1 (FS)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 2 (FS)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 3 (FS)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 1 (FB)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 2 (FB)
Minesta Craft Stone - Lv. 3 (FB)

Utilities Prize Changed to fit more our current Alz drop rate. We are not a low rate server so the original prices are depreciating this items.
Prices for 1 piece of each:
HP potions
Level 1 = 1,000 Alz
Level 2 = 3,000 Alz
Level 3 = 8,000 Alz​
MP Potions
Level 1 = 500 Alz
Level 2 = 1,500 Alz
Level 3 = 4,000 Alz​
Fury Potions (SP)
Level 1 = 5,000 Alz
Level 2 = 25,000 Alz
Level 3 = 100,000 Alz​
Return Stone
5,000 Alz​
Warp Stone
200,000 Alz​
Gem of Summons
Normal = 1,000,000 Alz
Rare = 2,000,000 Alz
Epic = 4,000,000 Alz
Unique = 10,000,000 Alz​
Vital Gear
Level 1 = 75,000 Alz
Level 2 = 125,000 Alz​
Spirit Gear
Level 1 = 200,000 Alz​

Costumes -> Costume Wrapper category added
Hat Rack
Costume Hanger
Weapon Storage Box​
Change Kits
Change Kit(Face) - Novice
Change Kit(Face) - Premium
Change Kit(Face) - Extreme Type A
Change Kit(Face) - Extreme Type B
Change Kit(Face) - Festival Type A
Change Kit(Face) - Festival Type B
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Novice
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Charming
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Foetree
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Season
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Oriental Type A
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Fever Type A
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Oriental Type B
Change Kit(Hair Style) - Fever Type B
Change Kit(color) - Normal
Change Kit(color) - Premium
Rename Card
X-Gen Card
Drop Changes
Frozen Tower of Undead B3F
Legacy Chest will drop slotted Archridium Epaulets.
Legendary Box will drop slotted Zwei Frame Epaulets.​
Awakened Forgotten Temple B2F
Added Perfect Core (Unique) to its drop and increased the drop chance for Cursed Leth Tyrant's Ring
Legendary Box will drop slotted Eins Frame Epaulets.​
Abandoned City
Added Equilibrium Items to the drop.
You can get them from Relic, Legacy and Legendary chests.

Yerte, Eirte and Agris boxes (The NPC's in Port Lux town)
Added boxes with Palladium and Equilibrium Items.
The items given in this boxes are not Character Bound anymore, they are Character Bound on equip.
The Unique Craft level will be random between High Epic level 3 and 4.
The Armor Boxes will give 2 items instead of 1.
Improved the randomize of the unique craft given to the items upon opening the boxes:
Weapons will have 3 unique craft randomly assigned from: CDI, CRI, All Attack UP and All Skill Amp. UP
Suits will have 3 unique craft randomly assigned from: Defense UP, CRI, Evasion and All Skill Amp. UP
Gloves will have 3 unique craft randomly assigned from: Defense UP, All Attack UP, CRI and All Skill Amp. UP
Boots will have 3 unique craft randomly assigned from: HP Regen., HP Steal Limit UP, Evasion and All Skill Amp. UP
Helms will have 3 unique craft randomly assigned from: CDI, CRI, All Attack UP and All Skill Amp. UP​
Each box will contain from now a key to open the next type of boxes. (Drei Frame will contain keys for Palladium and Palladium will contain keys for Equilibrium)​
Agris.png Eite.png Yerte.png
Item Option Remover and Enchant Stones changes
Added in Item Option Remover (Highest), Arcane Golem's Enchant Stone (Highest) and Minesta's Echant Stone (Highest) description the information about being able to use them on Senillinea and Lost Relics weapons also.​
Stone Details.png
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Update is scheduled for 15-january-2018 at 20:00 Server Time
Cykros Sir how about the craft recipe for palladium crafting the one w/o LE requirement(for the sole purpose of leveling palladium) that you've said on the previous update(s)?
It today's hot fix the NPC prices will be fixed.
Thank you all for barring with the "bug".
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