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Fixed Bm3 WARRIOR skill casting time

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Dec 2, 2014
Iloilo, [PH]
I think the casting time should be in 1.3sec per skill and not 1.5sec per skill since in other servers the casting time is only 1.3sec even in official servers.
The other servers and official changed the skills casting time,we could do that too but we are running an ep8 server.
Do we really want to unbalance the classes?
IMHO, other classes been changed from base 1.3->1.2 and stayed the same as far as i remember (correct me if i'm wrong), then why revert the AB attack of WA back to 1.5 again? base 1.5->update 1.3->update 1.5 again?
Do i smell something cooking up for WA?, to be unfavorable in-game and up to this moment i hardly see WA in-game.
Does this mean cooking up GL and planning to remove WA in-game.
No offense just my own perspective. I started playing Cabal as a WA.
If still not possible to add the 7 classes at once might leave it be.
Thanks. :)
The other servers and official changed the skills casting time,we could do that too but we are running an ep8 server.
Do we really want to unbalance the classes?
.2 sec wont make a class unbalanced :) We want a fair class.
IMHO, other classes been changed from base 1.3->1.2 and stayed the same as far as i remember (correct me if i'm wrong), then why revert the AB attack of WA back to 1.5 again? base 1.5->update 1.3->update 1.5 again?
Do i smell something cooking up for WA?, to be unfavorable in-game and up to this moment i hardly see WA in-game.
Does this mean cooking up GL and planning to remove WA in-game.
No offense just my own perspective. I started playing Cabal as a WA.
If still not possible to add the 7 classes at once might leave it be.
Thanks. :)

There are no plans for adding gladiator unless we find a way to add without removing another class which we do not work currently on so do not expect anything like this.

As for the casting times we will review them all again to make sure every casting time is configured how it should be.

I will sticky this thread till it's resolved.
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