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Bonus Event / Special compensation for downtimes

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
For the patience you all had till we blocked the crashing method of who ever was doing it we are offering you now more bonuses but in a different manner as you are all used till now

1. Donation bonus event:
  • 1st -> 5th there is 40% donation bonus to all values
  • 6th -> 10th there is 25% donation bonus to all values
  • 11-> 20th there is 19% donation bonus to all values
2. Vote bonus
  • 1st -> 10th all votes will count x2 eCoin received
3. Server floating Rates bonus
  • 1st -> 5th the bonus floating rates will be of 8% instead of 5%
  • 6th -> 10th the bonus floating rates will be of 7% instead of 5%
  • 10th -> 20th the bonus floating rates will be of 6% instead of 5%

This is an very unique update to celebrate our new server protection layer.
Take advantage of it!
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Just a few hours for the 40% bonus, hurry up and get your reward before it expires!
10 more days with bonuses, play as much as you can to enjoy the bonus of the floating rates and 10 more days with all donation bonus of 19%
2 more days left of the bonus event.
Don't miss your chance and stack your account with cCash now!
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