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Not a bug bug cabal


Dec 5, 2022
Good afternoon, GM. I've stopped playing the game for a few years, it's true. but now I'm back and I find myself with the surprise that all my set is low .. it's with craf am swor 3 when it wasn't like that it was 10 or 7 am but it wasn't 3 everything is set is so bad .. not bugged I know what happened and on top of that my characters are calm without clothes.. I'm waiting for a solution please.. I just want my set with me perfect, I had all my set because everything is wrong... it's not fair that I come back to play and this happens .. I await your response and help. Thank you

ID: hellsing58
pj theOzita
cabal bug set am.png
Is nothing wrong here , how i can see you always have starter set,so on this point this is the starter set on our server it was just updated to match our new custom sets,even your set is looking like this the power is still the same or even better than before
Is nothing wrong here , how i can see you always have starter set,so on this point this is the starter set on our server it was just updated to match our new custom sets,even your set is looking like this the power is still the same or even better than before
I've played when they didn't give away that set.. I mean the craf of my entire set....I raised it to +20 spending my boost.. because it's my main character.. I want them to at least fix my set . that all my set lowered the am caft... all the craft was 7 am but you lowered it to 3 am the whole set is like this... my helmet and my swords are with craft 6 DMG when it was from 16 of DMG so clearly there is an inequality.. I just want my set to be fixed.. that my chest boots and gloves are 7 am craf and my weapons and helmet are 16 DMG please..

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