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Fixed BUG !

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Hy ! I need a bit of help here ... ok the problem is this ... i was trying to buy a costume and i get another costume HELP !


I dont need this one ... and i dont want to spend my coins for something i dont like and i dont want ! ...
So you tried to buy [German Traditional Dress] costume but it gave you the [Nevareth Angel in White] costume instead?
No men ... i didnt try to buy [German Traditional Dress] ... i was trying to get [Nevareth Angel in White] but the costume i get its named NURSE not even close to Nevareth Angel in White ... and i dont even like the costume NURSE ...
In the screenshot you provided above the costume shows [Nevareth Angel in White] Which is correct, I am struggling to clearly see the issue here.
Dude ... the problem is this ... so this costume originaly its named nurse not even clost to navareth angel in white ... i didnt know its nurse if i knew it i didnt buy coz i dont like it the thing i want you to do its this ... delete that costume from my account and give me back those 600 coints i`m not donating for thing i dont like ... this is the problem i hope u can understand now ...
Dude ... the problem is this ... so this costume originaly its named nurse not even clost to navareth angel in white ... i didnt know its nurse if i knew it i didnt buy coz i dont like it the thing i want you to do its this ... delete that costume from my account and give me back those 600 coints i`m not donating for thing i dont like ... this is the problem i hope u can understand now ...
get a hanger ingame and sell the costume or trade it with some1 into the german traditional costume.
i hope you don't get a refund for this cuz you even said you bought the right one and just don't like it. you should inform more before or just deal with it, if every1 would get a costume refund just cuz he doesn't like it, i would also get a refund for all my costumes to buy new ones. :)
Ohm im sorry to sound slightly rude but what is ur excuse? Did u know google exists and if you searched up the costume name its exactly this costume
This is not a bug, it is your sole responsibility to make sure u know what ur buying we provide the name so u can look it up on google. Guess u'd have to be lucky if admins choose to refund your coins

Changed thread to not a bug
It seems like this topic wont be solved at all ... i check the google and the costume i bought is not even close with what i got nvm but never donate again ! :)
Please provide us with a screenshot of what you were expecting and what you got and we will review this. But from everything that has been said so far there doesn't seem to be any real "bug" here. Also insulting us won't get a problem solved.
I stoped i understand was my mistake ! ... i didnt know about costume i`m sorry for the bad words next time i will be more calculated ! :)
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