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Caballoween 16.10.2015 - 10.11.2015

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Emissary of Death
Staff member
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter

An army of Jack-o'Lanterns has invaded Nevareth, all areas above Port Lux have been affected by this and we need your help!
Gather the letters they have, bring them back to YUL and she will reward you.
You can choose between 4 different rewards and get consumables, crafting materials, recipes(formulars), boards, costumes and/or cabal caps.

There are also rumors of a big Lantern in Undead Ground, be careful.

Find out more about the event by clicking the following link: Caballoween 2015 - Olympus Gaming Network

New Seasonal Offer tab has been added to the website with halloween exclusive and discounted items.

Hint: Make sure to keep an eye ingame for Game Masters, who will randomly offer promotional coupon codes to use for promotional donations. Coupon codes will be only usable for a limited time or a limited number and they will include a random % discount on the donation where they were used. There will be multiple coupon codes announced.

40% bonus on all donations made until the end of the event.
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Until the end of the Caballoween event there will be a 40% bonus on all donations. Thank you all for your continued support :)

Happy gaming
Don't forget that there is still a donation bonus of 40% to each donation til 10th of this month (end of caballoween event) !
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