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CDI and SSA on gears


what options is best to put on gears to get the best output damage?

Helm: all CDI or all SSA or (2CDI + 2SSA)?
Weapons: all CDI or all SSA or (2CDI / 2SSA)?
Bikes: (MCR + SSA + CDI) or (MCR + 2SSA) or (MCR + 2CDI)?

just need some ideas on this one thanks for any experienced advice.
PVE Helmet: Cr.DMG Craft > 1x CR.DMG in slot > 2x AMP In slot
PVP Helmet: AMP Craft > 1x CR.dmg in slot > 2x AMP in slot.

PVE Weapons: Chaos full CR.DMG 30% w/ Rate/AMP
PVP Weapons: Chaos full AMP 30% w/ cr.dmg/amp in slot.
PVP Weapons: Awakened Weapon with Outrageous 10% Craft > 2x AMP + 1x DMG in slot.

PVE Bikes: Cr.dmg Craft > 3x Cr.DMG in slot or 2x Attack/M.Att in slot.
PVP Bikes: Cr.Rate Resist Craft > 2x Resist Skill AMP in slot > 1x Cr. Rate Resist in slot.
PVP Bikes: Cr.Rate Resist Craft > 3x Resist Skill AMP in slot.

(This is a example of the basic gear that people uses, you can still adjust it!)

Your Goal: Chaos Set

Hope this will help you out a bit.
Happy gaming.
thanks for the suggestions but i think im far away from chaos gears maybe i settle for some zwei items atm.
does awakened weapons comes with 2 slots and automatically character-bound? so we need to unbind it to extend slots, merchant on site got 20% - 35% on minestas that sad its pretty expensive and a slim chance to make it 3 slots. and no one selling arcane golem unbinding stone highest to increase the chance too bad.

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