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Channel crashing LOG

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Dragon lord
Hello OGN

In this thread it would be appreciated if you could reply with as much information as you can with what you were doing just before the channels/server crashes.
This is intended to try and find out what people are doing that could possibly cause the server to have issues.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated

Note: Anything posted that is off topic will be removed
I just got dc, was in bi just wandring a bit talking in guild.
After dc i couldnt connect to the ch's, there was 3 of tham but couldnt connect, now i closed it and restart it.
eodb3f, as soon as i enter (and my friend) into the last room (where the last 2 bosses are) we both got dc'd at the same time. Not the first time
when i was dancing in bi, during TG, during ft2, during killing golem-dragon.
are the crashes caused by a bot or player ? or why did you put the code now to enter?
Thank you all for the information. We now know how the crashing happens.
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