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Do not expect good


Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Aug 19, 2023
My experience with the support:

hi there,

So this time i maked a bad mystake i got misslead by another player who told me I can not equip at the same time tempus rind and awakaned killian, so i passed him the sealed tempus. and as i was curious to how the tempus will work out i passed him a 15M honor potion from the ecoins.
Than as i beleved i can not use the 2 rings together i sold to npc the killian ring crafting formula card.
Next day i see him to exuippeed both awakaned tyrant and tempus what i called him out for and he lied back to he did not say that.
I tolled him yesterday to pass me back the 15 mill honor potion but i beleve i will not see that again. I keep him on budy list and anoy him every day to give me back my potion.
But is there a way to get me back the formula card to craft my killian ring?
now i got the merga ring, killian lombic cell and the cat tears i can buy any time. but i can not craft it without the FC.
Please help me out with this.


PS. If you are intrested who were the player who misslead me hes character name is xXxKEEVxXx, i know him from my prew.guild what i left as they were extremly negative players whos did not helped my progress and the only reason why they invite new players to flex for them. whenewer i asked something about how its works they did not told me just misslead me. As i mentioned to the guild leader To i have ADHD, this KEEV (who from this guild) tried and sadli abused my naivity.

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[IMG alt="MasterOfAll"]https://forum.cabal.world/data/avatars/m/46/46507.jpg?1690591081[/IMG]


Staff member
Game Master

Joined Jul 27, 2023 Messages 28 Points 3 Age 42


first of all, we (the staff team) are not responsible for any transactions (trade or mails) you do with other players and also not for any trust you give in other players "words".

Also in you request you speak about several different rings and mix it up together:

1. It is correct that you can only have one of the following rings: Mergaheph's Ring, Killians Ring or Tempus Ring. The reason is simple: Each of these rings require the previous one as an material source. So first you get Mergaheph's Ring, with whis you can craft the Killian Ring and with that then you can craft the Tempus Ring.

2. The Craft Recipe is a quest item and therefore only one time available. So if however in any circumstance you successfully sold that to a NPC and can't recover it, than it's lost forever. So if you feel you need that piece, than you can delete your character and start a new one.


3. I don't understand why you "passed" an honor potion to anopther player, but if you do it by your own will, then you are responsible for that transaction. We can't do anything for that, because I don't see a scam in here.

4. The Tyrant Rings are a second type of ring in the game that can also be "upgraded" from one stage to a better one (similar to the one in point 1). The craft process is also similar and need the lower version of the ring as a material for the next stage. Tyrant and Tempus can be used with each other in any form / stage (e.g. Killian Ring and Awakened Tyrant Ring together etc.)

Hope the small guide can help you in understanding how it works.

Sorry but we can not restore lost quest items.

kind regards

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Joined Aug 19, 2023 Messages 8 Points 1


Firstly thanks your answer.

About your point 1.
He told me that to TYRANT and tempus not possible together not as you say merga killian and tempus

As poin 3 Yeah I newer asked you to compensate me about and the manner of your answer is pretty rude.

Thanksfor your Answer mostly for the information in point 4. You just proved me to I shuld not donate to the server
Im not a child and i do not beleve the item can not be restored, i would rather beleve it have no will to it

No thanks i will not make new character and you maked me thinking to delete the full account.
THanks have a great day

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[IMG alt="MasterOfAll"]https://forum.cabal.world/data/avatars/m/46/46507.jpg?1690591081[/IMG]


Staff member
Game Master

Joined Jul 27, 2023 Messages 28 Points 3 Age 42


thank you for your feedback. We will move on as you wish and will delete your account.

Thank you for playing and have a nice day also.



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My account is still not deleted.
I understand to no opinnion about this post as player wuld rather play ,then read the post, what is fair enught. But the behaveiour of

MasterOfAll is not.​

I request to place hes name to the shame of wall, as hes behaveor as Admin or what is it , as he`s words are unexeptable. I do not beleve that to he shuld manage this way.
I wuld accept an answer any time easily if he say like: Im sorry but I can not complete your request to give you back the quest item, but if you create another character, you can make it there than give it to your main character. But not that happened.

He arrogantly answered, than hes explained me that ive allready klearly known and was not in question at all.
Yes I have ADHD and autism as well but im not a retard.
I can see when someone is disrespectful, arrogant and just a bully. this is what i have experienced this member of staff.
Place him to the shame of wall.

Oh yeah befor i have forget about Thanks for he`s behaveiour the serwer management lost hudreds of dollars as im that player who named as "WHALE"
I was allready planned my firt transaction, what would be easy 100ÂŁ yeah im useing pounds as im from the UK.

Im not comeing back to this server, however it was amazing to play here.
I allready gived out all my walues to random players. Destroyed both of my bikes and requested to delete my account, what did not happened yet.
So one more time I rquest to fire MasterOfALL from the member of staff and place hes name to the shame of wall as i beleve that is where he fits the best.
Im not comeing back to this server, however it was amazing to play here.
I allready gived out all my walues to random players. Destroyed both of my bikes and requested to delete my account, what did not happened yet.
So one more time I rquest to fire MasterOfALL from the member of staff and place hes name to the shame of wall as i beleve that is where he fits the best.

Last seen Saturday at 7:54 AM <---------- 🤷‍♂️

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