Hi there. I think this will be my last event because from the 13th of June to the 1st of July I'll have to work. Sooo the events will be the following:
Q&A - each winner 6 rare elements
H&S - each winner costume hanger
Bring me - each winner weapon box
GM kill - each winner costume of choice 7 days
All the events will be done in channel 3 DS (Desert Scream) at 17:05 - 5:05 PM (Server Time).
I wish you all the best and see ya around in game
Q&A - each winner 6 rare elements
H&S - each winner costume hanger
Bring me - each winner weapon box
GM kill - each winner costume of choice 7 days
All the events will be done in channel 3 DS (Desert Scream) at 17:05 - 5:05 PM (Server Time).
I wish you all the best and see ya around in game