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Events!!! (Finished)

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Event GMOD
Dec 3, 2014
Hello everyone! ^_^ Yes, as you can see, events will be hosted :D

Me GM Colors and GM Richton will be hosting some mini events! All of them will be hosted on CH4 :)

1st-> Wednesday 11.25.2015 held by ME --->

I. Hide and Seek Event:
Maps: Bloody Ice up to Forgotten Ruin
Time: 18:00 PM Server Time

Prizes: 5 ROUNDS, EACH ONE---> 5 PCHH + 1 Blessing Bead - EXP 200%(6 h)

II. Guess the Dummy:
Map: Desert Scream
Time: 19:00 PM Server Time

Prizes: 3 ROUNDS, EACH ONE---> 7 Unique Elements + 1 Blessing Bead - EXP 200%(6 h)

2nd-> Saturday 11.28.2015 held by Richton --->

*** Due to the complexity of the events that Richton wants to host, HE will make a separate POST with all the details ;) *** ---> http://forum.olympusgn.com/threads/hardest-dungeon-party-raid-event-11-28-15.1616/#post-10504
Please don't forget to post your idea in my thread: "How about ... Events!"
The description + the rules of each event will be explained before with 10 minutes to start :D

Happy Gaming and I hope We'll be a lot of people there ;)
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This again? My god. Cant you provide better imagination in providing us an event. that event your hosting always the same event as before.. Make something that will make your GM titles shine. zzzz

This again? My god. Cant you provide better imagination in providing us an event. that event your hosting always the same event as before.. Make something that will make your GM titles shine. zzzz

how about being thankful hm? oh right its u yeah nvm, learn not to directly harras the gms next time u make a post on a different account that is.
This is weird lol never seen someone complaining about some events, events that are hosted after some weeks .... but maybe I'm behind ...
First of all, why the heck then i made this post? http://forum.olympusgn.com/threads/how-about-events.1610/#post-10485
just for fashion? .... post something useful and don't "attack" me on a thread, if u don't like something about me or what i do, i suggest to PM me in a mannered way ;)
Secondly if u don't like the events, is simple, don't participate :p
P.S. Richton planned a great event this saturday ;) + our rewards are and will be the best since anyone made events @ here, this depending on the complexity of each event :D

Happy Gaming! and stay tuned !
Hello Everyone! I would like to congratulate everyone who participated to my EVENTS and I hope I'll see more people next time :) ^^

Here is a video with the quick warm up KILL GM event(sorry that it has no effects I feared I would have crashed ...) ;)

+ some pictures :D (don't know what happend with many of my first event ones o.O)

Now the winners!

Kill GM Event:
iStevanoo - 7 unique elements

HnS Event:

  • 1st round: Lucille
  • 2nd round: GorgeousTomato
  • 3rd round: Queenyz
  • 4th round: zoldsapi
  • 5th round: bigBONG
Each one won: 5xPCHH + 1xBlessing Bead - EXP 200%(6 h)

Guess the Dummy Event:
  1. 1st round: Riddick
  2. 2nd round: Kristen
  3. 3rd round: Zeratul
  4. 4th round(bonus): xxxCLxxx
Each one won: 7 unique elements + 1xBlessing Bead - EXP 200%(6 h)

Congratz to the winners again :D The prizes, I hope you will receive by tomorrow evening, if you have any problems, please contact me ;)
P.S. : Stay tuned I have prepared some cool events next weekend ;) Until then you should join Richton 's EVENT! -> http://forum.olympusgn.com/threads/hardest-dungeon-party-raid-event-11-28-15.1616/#post-10504


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BB200% got replaced with mercenary?


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Hey :) If anyone else encountered this problem, please post it here or open a conversation with me or mail me ingame, TY ....
Yes,i got the same question like zoldsapkas3. Receive mercenary,but waiting for BB 200%. what happened? :D


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Later will post my gift I'm working now
i got that mercenary too, and no bb ofc
It would appear whoever sent the reward made a typo as the item number for these two items are very very similar, it is likely you will receive the correct items as soon as whoever sent the items is online next.
tought so to, every item have an ID like 5464564213 if i remember corectly, he may have missplaced a number :)
It's GorgeousTomato, i got 5 PCHH and a blader mercenary too. :giggle:
i have received my BB 200%, thank you admin!
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