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Farming For Newbies.


Gold Member
Dec 25, 2023
Hi, me n my brother just joined this server recently.

Is there a good way to farm alz other than spam adx(2mnt~3mnt avrg with sig20 newbies eq) to sell dropped loot (100k~400k each)?

is there a good place for leveling (160~200) other than ECA?
Another question is that how to buy all those cheap char bind goodies at Auction house aka lady.. i tried to buy and it crashes the game.. really keen on buying some of them as it's cheap n relatively good..

is it a bug that they somehow can put char bind equipment at AH/Lady?

is anyone monitoring this forum? or the forum for this game is dead?
Another question is that how to buy all those cheap char bind goodies at Auction house aka lady.. i tried to buy and it crashes the game.. really keen on buying some of them as it's cheap n relatively good..

is it a bug that they somehow can put char bind equipment at AH/Lady?

is anyone monitoring this forum? or the forum for this game is dead?
exactly thats why your game crash when you try to buy it,you should talk to owner to reregister the item ,or just wait for them until they will replace
exactly thats why your game crash when you try to buy it,you should talk to owner to reregister the item ,or just wait for them until they will replace
sadly no one reply.. soo few active in game.. most afk..
how to easy to get MCR/AMP scroll on weapon/armor ? just break weapon/armor ? or via ecoin? or forcegem?
how to easy to get MCR/AMP scroll on weapon/armor ? just break weapon/armor ? or via ecoin? or forcegem?
up the item to +6 then will gave you good scrool,not the "random" option
up the item to +6 then will gave you good scrool,not the "random" option
i wanted to ask, how to +20 item? i managed to use safeguard till +19 but when no matter how many times i tried to +20 using same method, my game will become super super laggy, i relog, my core gone include my safeguard . there is no success or fail notification before i relog my chaar

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