Hello Olympus Gamers !!!
In a token of our appreciation to all players, we are proud to announce everyone the arrival of a NEW EVENT !!!
As you all know, we were busy working on upgrading the website and in-game features for our great community and what better way to celebrate these achievements than an event like no other.
We decided to held a “facebook” event, so all players have equal chance of winning the GREAT PRIZE !!!
Terms and regulations are quite simple:
1. Share our facebook page in a NEW POST on your timeline with the title:
"OGN Cabal Redemption Event https://www.facebook.com/pg/OGNCommunity/posts/?ref=page_internal" without quotes.
2. Reply here your character's in-game name and the link to your new post.
3. Ask friends and fellow gamers to share YOUR post.
4. Winner will be chosen by the highest number of shares of your post !!
5. Any attempts to share the post with other "dummy" facebook accounts will result in another big prize --> a lifetime ban

6. The winner must have minim 100 shares to collect our reward.
7. The event will start on 22/02/2017 and will end on 12/03/2017 at midnight (server time).
We will announce the winner on 13/03/2017.
Rewards? As the well known line goes, "There can be only one!”. The winner will receive for his dedication, loyalty and thrust a reward worthy of his commitment !!!
Our Legendary Prize of 10.000 ecoins !!!
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