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Friday 25th of march 2016 events! (FINISHED)

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Professional Enchanter
Hello everybody!
Today, at 17:05 PM (Server Time), some events will take place in CH 3. Here are the following events:

Kill GM event (3 rounds).
Prizes of the winners:
  1. 18 rare elements + 2 pchh
  2. 12 rare elements + 2 pchh
  3. 6 rare elements + 2 pchh
H&S event (3 rounds).
Prizes of the winners:

  1. 100 odds + 7 days costume of choice
  2. 50 odds + 7 days costume of choice
  3. 25 odds 7 days costume of choice
Combo event (3 rounds).
Prizes of the winners:

  1. 30 basic elements + 15 PUK
  2. 21 basic elements + 15 PUK
  3. 12 basic elements +15 PUK

I hope to find you ready there!
See you later.
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