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Friday 29.01.2016 Events.

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Professional Enchanter
Hello everyone! So here I am, going to host my first event as GM and I hope you all will have fun and participate.
So here are the events I am going to host:

1) BRING ME event (I decide which item and you have to bring it to me).
3 rounds, each round 1 winner.

Rewards each winner: Unique Element x6.

H&S event.
3 rounds, each round 1 winner.
Rewards each winner: Costume of choice 10 days duration.

COMBO event (This one will be different than other times, I tell the exact combo I want and you guys have to do it).
3 rounds, each round 1 winner.
Rewards for each winner:
Costume hanger + 3 PCHH;

All the events will take place in CH 4 in Desert Scream, just H&S event will be in different maps. The events will take place at 17 Server Time (right after 16 TG). Right when an event ends, other events will start.

All rewards sent. People who should have a reward please check your Cash Inventory
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