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Suggestion Fusion Ring


Professional Enchanter
Apr 3, 2017
So i' ve been playing in this server long time ago, i ve returned and i saw my Eins Frame perfect craft set deleted but its no problem. The most vexing thing for me right now is the price of the Fusion Ring, not the wexp or other requirements. The LE requirement tho is insane... 100 LE equals to 90B roughly atm and its insane for a player to fork out that much alz for a ring after starting to play the game. So what i ask is, is it posible to lower the LE requirement for Fusion Ring, it would be a huge boon for newcomers cuz it takes ALOT of time close to a month to just get that LE for 1 ring.
You are saying that almost 1 month of game time just doing dailies and getting alz just to buy LE s is ASAP ? another problem with this is newcomers will never invest themselves in this kind of grindy enviroment when other private servers exists that are more acceptable and welcoming to them... grind slowy... the point of playing the game IS to get strong fast and be able to stand infront of other players in TG or finish top end dungeons, NOT to grind slowly so you wont get 1 shot or be able to do damage...
BTW i did grind my perfect crafted eins frame set slowly, i even crafted every single piece by myself back than from mithril to all the way up to eins it was i think and i could ve gone for paladium but eins frame set gave more amp instead of defence so picked it, now i got 5amp archi set cuz it got deleted... See where grinding slowly took me mate :D.
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You are saying that almost 1 month of game time just doing dailies and getting alz just to buy LE s is ASAP ? another problem with this is newcomers will never invest themselves in this kind of grindy enviroment when other private servers exists that are more acceptable and welcoming to them... grind slowy... the point of playing the game IS to get strong fast and be able to stand infront of other players in TG or finish top end dungeons, NOT to grind slowly so you wont get 1 shot or be able to do damage...
Fusion ring is an End gear item, mereley getting it within a month of grinding is easy tbh :) unlike other items Fusion ring is the easiest to get with perfect stats.
We are clearly dividing on the topic cuz u like the game as original or grindy as it seems and i want to play in a private server to have fun. We have had a conversation close to this from what i can remember you were a GM at that time, good times :D.

On another note, the day i started this server the best set was paladium and we got paladium set by doing b3f dailies with a friend, open a character go do dailies in b3f and delete it, rince and repeat till u get the set, it was fun :D . After i started this server every action the team took made it harder for players to start playing the game and i saw with my own eyes the playerbase this server lost at at that time including me at some point so a little softening might do good maybe.

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