In this update we tried to cover more areas of the game that needed changes and fixes.
WEXP Shop remade
Game maps drop changes
Game dungeons drop changes
WEXP Shop remade
The shop was remade and some of the items were removed and some new items were added
Added some special accessories with 4 slots and 2 craft values that can be found only in this shop.This items are time limited.
Mission War changes[Costume] Night Walkers(Armor)
[Costume] Night Walkers(Battle)
[Costume] Night Walkers(Martial)
Also now we are selling time limited Nation Costumes.[Costume] Night Walkers(Battle)
[Costume] Night Walkers(Martial)
Added some special accessories with 4 slots and 2 craft values that can be found only in this shop.This items are time limited.
Game maps drop changes
The main goal of this update was to reduce as much as possible the chance of not having at least 1 drop from a mob.
Currently we changed the all the maps from Bloody Ice up to Senillinea.
You will all notice that a lot of junk items that were droping until now will not drop anymore and the rates of other items, which we consider crucial for the game like Redeem Coins, Potions of Honor and Dungeon Entries, will drop more often offering you all a more pleasant experience on the server especially if you are a new player. Also the changes aims to improve the professional crafting system because now the needed items for it will also drop a bit more often.
Note: All craft materials will be dropping in quantities of x2, excepting material and quartz cores and circuit jewels that will drop in quantities between x5 and x10.
Important note: Please feedback us regarding the drops, we want these new drops to be balanced and nothing to be abused.
Currently we changed the all the maps from Bloody Ice up to Senillinea.
You will all notice that a lot of junk items that were droping until now will not drop anymore and the rates of other items, which we consider crucial for the game like Redeem Coins, Potions of Honor and Dungeon Entries, will drop more often offering you all a more pleasant experience on the server especially if you are a new player. Also the changes aims to improve the professional crafting system because now the needed items for it will also drop a bit more often.
Note: All craft materials will be dropping in quantities of x2, excepting material and quartz cores and circuit jewels that will drop in quantities between x5 and x10.
Important note: Please feedback us regarding the drops, we want these new drops to be balanced and nothing to be abused.
Game dungeons drop changes
Ruina Station Mob drops added, improved FC 110 drop rate
Improved drop rates for Leth Rings, with 50%
Replaced Zwei armors with Eins armors in AFT2 Treasure Chest
Fixed the drop problem of bonus chest AOS1
Added option pool for accessories +4/5/6 in AOS1
Added option pool for bracelets fighter/sage +4/5 in all dungeons
Added option pool for critical and luck rings in all dungeons
Cleared Last chest in Volcanic Citadel.
Increased drop rates of runes in dungeons, where needed between 25% to 35% )
Increased drop rates of runes on maps, between x5 to x10
Secret Box of Siena from Altar of Siena B1F will drop now 3 items.
Below you have attached an excel file with the important drops from each map
Improved drop rates for Leth Rings, with 50%
Replaced Zwei armors with Eins armors in AFT2 Treasure Chest
Fixed the drop problem of bonus chest AOS1
Added option pool for accessories +4/5/6 in AOS1
Added option pool for bracelets fighter/sage +4/5 in all dungeons
Added option pool for critical and luck rings in all dungeons
Cleared Last chest in Volcanic Citadel.
Increased drop rates of runes in dungeons, where needed between 25% to 35% )
Increased drop rates of runes on maps, between x5 to x10
Secret Box of Siena from Altar of Siena B1F will drop now 3 items.
Below you have attached an excel file with the important drops from each map
A huge thank you and congratulations to our staff member Optimus for all the hard work put it the drops changes and tests.
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