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Gameplay balance part 2

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Professional Enchanter

New Features
Channel 5 was added to the server, it is a Premium War channel.
Upgraded the Xprotect hack detection.

Armor sets, weapon sets and epaulets starting from ShadowSteel up to Archridium were updated to match the latest official values.
The stat bonuses and the stat requirements to equip the above mentioned items are now balanced for each class.

Chaos weapons and body parts are now named Palladium.
Palladium Items are not Account Bound by property anymore.

Limitless,Drei Frame,Zwei Frame and Eins Frame armor sets were adjusted to fit between Archridium and Palladium.
Demon Enchanted,Limitless,Hell Fire,Enochian,Soul Reaver,Lycanus,Zwei Frame,Eins Frame weapons sets were adjusted to fit between Archridium and Palladium.
Being the end game gears the above sets and weapons where adjusted so they share the same stats requirements to be equipped but the stats they give have a smaller difference than before considering they all are the highest grade items.

The special end game weapon sets, The Lost Relics and Senillinea Weapons have been re-balanced:
  • All the class specific items have been given the correct item type
    • Example: Twisted Shadowfang (The Lost Relics / FB) is now blade type with the correct, balanced stat bonuses based on the Palladium Weapons, calculated with a proper formula.
    • Armageddon (Senillinea Weapon / FB) is now blade type with the correct, balanced stat bonuses based on the Lost Relics Weapons, calculated with a proper formula.
  • The stat bonuses for these weapon sets are now properly set by their item type.
    • For example all the blade type Lost Relics and Senillinea weapons now give the same stat bonuses.
    • This also applies to all the custom weapon sets like Enochian, Hell Fire, etc...
Unique craft values for CDI are increased with 1% on each craft level, the level 7 unique craft CDI will have now 12%

Set Effects changes:
  • All the custom set effects where adjusted.
  • The Defense, Defense Rate and HP is still the same but all the other option were removed from the set effects because they were unbalancing the classes to much, especially the MCR, CDI and AMP values which are not meant to be in set effects.
  • Resist Skill Amp was added to the edited set effects in replacement of the old values. Here are the full details of the adjusted set effects


  • The idea is to compensate the extra amp in PvP we have on characters due to customized items.
  • As you noticed the Epaulets don't give any extra special values anymore except the base Def, Def Rate and HP.
  • We will see in the future if we will add something or not.
Nation War changes:
The HP multiplier for war was increased to fit the new values of the armor pieces. We can adjust this multiplier even more depending on the feedback we get from you guys after you play the Nation War.

We want to thank you all for the feedback offered till now and we hope that you will continue to do it so!
For those of you who don't know here you can give us the feedback for the next game-play balance changes.

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