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Gameplay balance part 3

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter

After the gameplay balance part 2 that we released yesterday we decided to do some modifications regarding the weapons, body parts, epaulets and set effect stats.

We used the formula that is used on official client to make a difference from a Weapon / Body Part / Epaulet of grade 10 to grade 11 but we applied it from Archridium to Limitless then to Drei Frame then to Zwei Frame then to Eins Frame then to Palladium

The sell prices of the weapons,armors and epaulets were updated to the latest official values. This is done with the intention to add other fun ways of hunting for alz in future and not only by selling to NPC items at an overprice. In long term this will stabilize a bit the market.

The set effect where adjusted and now they are given only with 2 pieces and 4 pieces.

Set effects:

Body Parts:


Weapons (we put only a few set so you can get an idea of the new structure):

Temporary disabled the custom Synergies till we decide on new values for them:
  • Rage of the Ancients
  • Claws of Illusion
  • Sage of the Elements
  • Bullets of Vengeance
  • Protector of Nevareth
  • Chains of Darkness
Channel 4 now allows entering in dungeons.

Additional Information: You will notice that the mobs are easier now because of the def boost you get from Body Part and Epaulets, don't get used to it, they will be adjusted.
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