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Suggestion GL bugs


just a ordonary Boy ! xD
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Mar 20, 2020
i found some stuff which has to be fixed on GL character

1. Bm3 B skill got time already changed to 1.2 sec but still is like in slow motion when use the skil its not fast as it supposed to be
2. Mystic dash and Moon Strike are skills which i should be able to use in bm2 and bm3 atm not working
3. Mystic Dash has a Glitching bug
4. Death Scyther skill (bm2) atm has no big dmg as it should have atm just amp and missing atk stat
5. Bm3 3rd Fatal dmg is low it should make more than double of the dmg when i use A or B hit atm makes maybe 40% more dmg than these
6. Fade Away Skill missing Down bonus ( like Down +40% or so)

i think that was all for now i hope everything can be fixed thx^^
thank you for this report, we will review those skills .

1.BM3 B skill have a bit different animation than official , but attack is every 1.2 sec.
3. Mystic Dash has a Glitching bug- describe this a bit more pls
4. if you are referring to bm2 activation skill , bm activation skill can have stats of attacking skill, like add att. (anyway we need to review the stats of all bm).
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thank you for this report, we will review those skills .

1.BM3 B skill have a bit different animation than official , but attack is every 1.2 sec.
3. Mystic Dash has a Glitching bug- describe this a bit more pls
4. if you are referring to bm2 activation skill , bm activation skill can have stats of attacking skill, like add att. (anyway we need to review the stats of all bm).
about Glitching bug its like mystik dash should work like force kick on other classes but atm the char is like diving to the target and not directly jumping to it
It is a part of animation that we modified to suit skill casting time , nothing else, simply cant be same as official. but that is only animation how it is shown.
I was also wandering why Gladiator not able to use a skills when he is on BM 2 mode.?..not like the other class when BM 2 they can use skills but Gladiator cant..can this be fixed and make same as the other class..?..because its a bit difficult to dive in when you on BM2 and your char is a melee..

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