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Acknowledged GL class changes


just a ordonary Boy ! xD
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Mar 20, 2020
the New GL class is unperfect atm and needs few changes.

1. Bm3 B Atk Hit has too high cast time instead of 1.7 sec should have 1.4 - 1.5 max
2. Rage Shield skill Is usless Since it has only 8.5k dmg absorb it should have double at least
3. Bloody rusk takes too much defense of 75% it should take max 30% (FS 25% / WA 22%)
4. Dread Debuff should have at least 20 - 30 sec Duration your just perma debuffing
5. Moon Strike Skill with 180 sec Ct should have some special ability like FS Shield charge - Resist rate and useable in bm3 + bm2
6. Mystic Dash cant be used in bm2 but it should its like Force kick on other classes
7. Sight Increase Shout skill can be used only in party it has to be changed like WA shout
8. Some Skill Visual Bug: Rapid Dash, Mystik dash, Eternal Slash, Chakram Tornado, Bm3 B hit
9. There is some times some bug with Bm2 Range/ Area hits sometimes it hits all in Range and somezimes just the fokused one
10. 9000 Heal in Adrenaline of Rage Skill is not Working it Gives only the 3k def stats

ty for future help and Fixes ^^
1. ꭓ yes B skill should have lower cast
2.√ wizard have 12k dmg absord for 22 second duration with way lower defense than GL, GL have 8.5k with duration od 30 sec+60% RSA
3.√ skill is as it is at official ,same percentage of defense is taken
5. ꭓ we will review skill
6. ꭓ we will check this skill
7. ꭓ we will check it
8.√ ꭓ we will check it
9.√ ꭓ it depends on yours connection also how server see area around you
10. ꭓ will be fixed

ty for yours observation we will look into these .
thx for the response and Help
but about
3. Bloody skils off all classes on EU have - 75% deff and so why only GL now get - 75 on This server WA and FS have -22 and - 25% deff not fair for me couse GL has even lowest Bloody stats.

+ 11. another thing i think some times when i have to cast too much buff skills etc at once than just out of nowhere Inspire shout skill or Bloody just disapear

+12. No idea if it is wanted like that bcs ppl say that Fatal skills of FG have no ATK stats its the same on GL they do still more dmg than A and B skill but specialy 3rd Fatal is suposed to do the double dmg of A and B skill usualy atm it does just 30% more max
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Ups for points 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, and 12.

2. Agreed that Rage Shield's usefulness is very limited at the moment.. but doubling the absorb value of Rage Shield might be too much tho. Maybe like 12k or readjustment to the CD? CD is kinda high for that amount of absorb.
is it also possible to put resist unmovable to the skill rage resist? given the name "resist" should it have all the resist?
Ups for points 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, and 12.

2. Agreed that Rage Shield's usefulness is very limited at the moment.. but doubling the absorb value of Rage Shield might be too much tho. Maybe like 12k or readjustment to the CD? CD is kinda high for that amount of absorb.
ye on EU w/o effector Rage shield has 8.5k but here on this server u get always hits like that so its instant away after 1 hit^^

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