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GM kill Title reward

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
New GM kill title rewards
The title will be automatically set to the characters that have the required GM kills upon login in.​
2017-09-07 14_10_55-Redemption Cabal.png

Knocked a GM down - Title obtained when you kill at least once a GM.
HP +350
Defense +50
All Attack UP +175
HP Steal 1% of the total damage
Max HP Steal per hit +15
MP Steal 1% of the total damage
Max MP steam per hit +15
Alz drop Rate Increase +15%
Increase Alz Bomb Rate +5%

Knocked a GM down repeatedly- Title obtained when you kill at least 20 times a GM.
HP +750
Defense +100
All Attack UP +275
HP Steal 2% of the total damage
Max HP Steal per hit +30
MP Steal 2% of the total damage
Max MP steam per hit +30
Alz drop Rate Increase +30%
Increase Alz Bomb Rate +10%

CDI Unique Craft value changed​
Old -> New
6 -> 7
7 -> 8
8 -> 9
9 -> 10
10 -> 12
11 -> 14
12 -> 16

Senillinea weapons crafting​
All the weapons that you will craft fro now will not be extended anymore.
They will be just Character bind on equip with 2 or 3 slots.
If you want to extend them you will have to do it with a slot extender for the ones with 2 slots or with the enchant system for the ones you get with 3 slots.

The pets are now just account bound, you can either sell them to npc or use sleeping kit to sell them to other players.

Item description are now shown exactly like ingame for every item sold in the web shop.
Defensive earrings +4 and +5 can now be purchased from web shop

In game ranking fixed
Bounty Hunter Helmet and Jiangshi Hat were given a duration of 30 days after being wrapped.
Rabbit Doll mask inventory item not showing.
Update Scheduled for 21:30 server time, today 07 September 2017
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