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Help!!! Newbie here!


My free limitless set just expired and i have trouble farming at Nostalgia Forest, Arcane Trance and Porta inferno. I thought the Shadowsteel + 15 will do the work but it didn't can you suggest equips that i can wear so that i can farm a little bit easier?
You can go farm Mithril and Archridium in any dungeons. In this way you can save up DP for rare elements. Other way is, If you still not creating your 2nd-6th character u are able to create a char and store it in your warehouse then get them so you have an alternative whilst farming.

Happy gaming.

Im also suggesting you to join guilds which are very friendly and helpful.
Thank you GM :D in what way can i learn other things here in cabal like where can i use the rare elements, how can i craft items etc? I actually viewed the Guides section but i still want to learn a lot. :D
Hello If you would like to learn more about the used of these elements (Unique, Rare and Basic elements) I will give you the basic information and try to figure it out to make it more interesting to all of you :)

Unique element is a combination of Rare and Basic Elements - You can craft them in Port Lux (PL) NPC Craft Merchant Chloe.
As you can see you need the two elements to craft Unique elements.

Where can we get those awesome elements?
Unique Elements - Empowered FTPA-01 Custodi Flight (Every Sunday 14:00 server time in Pontus Ferrum)
Rare Elements - Can be earn by submitting 20DP (Dungeon Points) to DP Exchange NPC Peticia in PL
Empowered FTPA-01 Custodi Flight
Can be earn by joining Nation War with 30 points Mission War Cube (Rare Element)
Basic Elements - By doing Chaos Arena Lv.2 - Chaos Arena Lv.6
Empowered FTPA-01 Custodi Flight

Lastly there are alternative ways to get those:
Redeeming (Check Redemption Website Clan of Masteries (Second person) - You will be rewarded a 1x Basic elements and the rarest Unique elements.
You are able to donate in order to earn a lovely ccash and convert them into Unique elements - Once you have a ccash click 'N' button to activate Itemshop In-Game.

What are the use of those?
Crafting awesome gears including Chaos Items ( Fort Ruina NPC's Rasya, Ryeong, Ahyidereum) and Sienna Bracelet (PL)

There are lots of way to earn them. So what you waiting for?

Happy Gaming
The rare elements are used together with basic elements to craft Unique elements which can be used to purchase Chaos gear you can by the formula card at Chloe the crafting merchant

if u have any further questions feel free to ask
sorry if im asking a lot but i just want ask about the redeem thing... i know that i will reset my character back to lvl 190 and reward some ccash and other items, and i just read aboout how to get my ccash rward for inviting a friend, it says there that the invited user should have a tleast 30 redeems.. so it means that my friend should redeem 30 times for me to able to get my ccash reward..? and will you please elaborate the chart about the redeem system. sorry but im a completely newbie here. thanks by the way :D
Hello again chockwik for the 'Invite your friend and earn free ccash' are a bit complicated. But I will tell you what you need to do:
1)YOU SHOULD invite a friend but not registered yet - which means you should enter email of your friend that doesnt registered in redemption.
2)invited user must activate his account and start playing.

The most important thing is:
1)The invited user must have at least 1 character and 30 redeems
2)Invited user must have a total of 160 hours of playing time.

For redeeming is a very simple and understandable chart.
You need to have lv 200 and redeem coins in order to redeem your character. Do not need to elaborate. You know how to read the redeem chart. Just hover your mouse on the info and you will see all the rewards from normal to rarest.

Thats it :)
The rare elements are used together with basic elements to craft Unique elements which can be used to purchase Chaos gear you can by the formula card at Chloe the crafting merchant

if u have any further questions feel free to ask

So, how many rare elements and basic elements do i need to have a unique element? and how many unique elements to buy chaos gears?, i just want to ask why am i seeing that a character has "successfully crafted chaos (insert chaos gear here) +15" is that the result of having unique elements then crafting if with the formula card from Chloe in PL? :D sorry im completely a newbie.. :D
All the various crafting materials needed for chaos gear such as unique elements etc. can be seen at the chaos merchants in Fort Ruina
Sadly nothing, if you can read the description of it, it says: "for the most unlucky people", so you can just npc it because you can't do anything with it
ow.. so unlucky i am that i got 2 of them.. hahahaha! thanks btw.. i thought it works the other way around.. lol
in 10 spins i got 8 times, don't worry, that's the the items that comes out so often xd

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